method new(:$ops_file!, :$trans!, :$script!, :$file, :%flags!) { self<ops_file> := $ops_file; self<trans> := $trans; self<script> := $script; self<file> := $file; self<flags> := %flags; self<quiet> := %flags<quiet> // 0;
# Preparing various bits.
my $suffix := $trans.suffix();
my $base := 'core';
if !%flags<core> {
$base := subst( $file, /.ops$$/, '');
$base := subst( $base, /.*\//, ''); # Unix slash
$base := subst( $base, /.*\\/, ''); # Win backslash
my $base_ops_stub := $base ~ '_ops' ~ $suffix;
my $base_ops_h := $base_ops_stub ~ '.h';
self<base> := $base;
self<suffix> := $suffix;
self<bs> := $base ~ $suffix ~ '_';
if %flags<core> {
self<include> := "parrot/oplib/$base_ops_h";
self<func_header> := (~%flags<dir>) ~ "include/" ~ self<include>;
self<enum_header> := (~%flags<dir>) ~ "include/parrot/oplib/ops.h";
self<source> := (~%flags<dir>) ~ "src/ops/$base_ops_stub.c";
else {
my $dynops_dir := subst( $file, /\w+\.ops$$/, '');
self<include> := $base ~ "_ops.h";
self<func_header> := $dynops_dir ~ self<include>;
self<source> := $dynops_dir ~ $base ~ "_ops.c";
self<sym_export> := %flags<core>
?? ''
self<init_func> := join('_',
'Parrot', 'DynOp', $base ~ $suffix, |$ops_file.version );
# Prepare ops
$trans.prepare_ops(self, $ops_file);
method ops_file() { self<ops_file> }; method trans() { self<trans> }; method script() { self<script> }; method file() { self<file> }; method flags() { self<flags> }; method sym_export() { self<sym_export> }; method init_func() { self<init_func> };
method base() { self<base> }; method suffix() { self<suffix> }; method bs() { self<bs> };
method print_c_header_files() {
my $fh := pir::new__Ps('FileHandle');
$fh.open(self<func_header>, 'w')
|| die("Can't open "~ self<func_header>);
if self.ops_file<core> {
$fh := pir::new__Ps('FileHandle');
$fh.open(self<enum_header>, 'w')
|| die("Can't open "~ self<enum_header>);
method emit_c_op_func_header($fh) {
self._emit_guard_prefix($fh, self<func_header>);
# Emit runcore specific part.
self._emit_guard_suffix($fh, self<func_header>);
method emit_c_op_enum_header($fh) {
self._emit_guard_prefix($fh, self<enum_header>);
self._emit_guard_suffix($fh, self<enum_header>);
method print_ops_num_files() {
my $file := ~self<dir> ~ "include/parrot/opsenum.h";
my $fh := pir::new__Ps('FileHandle');
$fh.open($file, 'w')
|| die("Can't open $file for writing: " ~ ~pir::err__s());
self.emit_c_opsenum_header($fh, $file);
method emit_c_opsenum_header($fh, $file) {
self._emit_guard_prefix($fh, $file);
self._emit_guard_suffix($fh, $file);
method emit_opsenum_h_body($fh) {
$fh.print("enum OPS_ENUM \{\n");
my $max_op_num := 0;
for self.ops_file.ops -> $op {
if !self.ops_file<core> || !self.ops_file.oplib.op_skip_table.exists( $op.full_name ) {
my $space := pir::repeat__SsI(' ', 30 - pir::length__Is($op.full_name));
$fh.print(" enum_ops_" ~ $op.full_name ~ $space ~ "=");
$space := pir::repeat__SsI(' ', 5 - pir::length__Is(~$max_op_num));
$fh.print($space ~ $max_op_num ~ ",\n");
method print_c_source_file() { # Build file in memeory my $fh := pir::new__Ps('StringHandle'); $fh.open('dummy.c', 'w'); self.emit_c_source_file($fh); $fh.close();
# ... and write it to disk
my $final := pir::new__Ps('FileHandle');
$final.open(self<source>, 'w') || die("Can't open filehandle");
return self<source>;
method emit_c_source_file($fh) { self._emit_source_preamble($fh);
self.trans.emit_source_part(self, $fh);
self.trans.emit_op_lookup(self, $fh);
method _emit_c_op_enum_header_part($fh) { my $sb := pir::new__Ps('StringBuilder'); my $last_op_code := +self.ops_file.ops - 1; for self.ops_file.ops -> $op { $sb.append_format(" PARROT_OP_%0%1 %2 /* %3 */\n", $op.full_name, ($op.code == $last_op_code ?? ' ' !! ','), pir::repeat__SsI(' ', 30 - pir::length__Is($op.full_name)), $op.code); } $fh.print(q| typedef enum { |); $fh.print(~$sb); $fh.print(q| } parrot_opcode_enums; |); }
method _emit_source_preamble($fh) {
#include "{self<include>}"
#include "pmc/pmc_parrotlibrary.h"
#include "pmc/pmc_callcontext.h"
/* XXX should be static, but C++ doesn't want to play ball */ extern op_lib_t {self.bs}op_lib;
method _emit_op_lib_descriptor($fh) {
my $core_type := self.trans.core_type;
** op lib descriptor:
/* XXX should be static, but C++ doesn't want to play ball */ op_lib_t | ~ self.bs ~ q|op_lib = {| ~ qq| "{self.base}_ops", /* name */ "{self.suffix}", /* suffix */ $core_type, /* core_type = PARROT_XX_CORE */ 0, /* flags */ {self.ops_file.version_major}, /* major_version */ {self.ops_file.version_minor}, /* minor_version */ {self.ops_file.version_patch}, /* patch_version */ {+self.ops_file.ops}, /* op_count */ {self.trans.op_info(self)}, /* op_info_table */ {self.trans.op_func(self)}, /* op_func_table */ {self.trans.getop(self)} /* op_code() */ | ~ q| }; |); }
method _emit_init_func($fh) {
my $init1 := self.trans.init_func_init1;
my $dispatch := self.trans.init_func_disaptch;
# TODO There is a bug in NQP about \{
$fh.print((self.flags<core> ?? 'PARROT_EXPORT' !! '') ~ q|
op_lib_t *
| ~ self.init_func ~ q|(PARROT_INTERP, long init) {
/* initialize and return op_lib ptr */
if (init == 1) {
| ~ $init1 ~ q|
return &| ~ self.bs ~q|op_lib;
/* set op_lib to the passed ptr (in init) */
else if (init) {
| ~ $dispatch ~ q|
/* deinit - free resources */
else {
return NULL;
|); }
method _emit_dymanic_lib_load($fh) {
if self.flags<core> {
my $load_func := join('_',
q{Parrot}, q{lib}, self.base, q{ops} ~ self.suffix, q{load}, );
* dynamic lib load function - called once
{self.sym_export} PMC*
{self.sym_export} PMC* $load_func(PARROT_INTERP) | ~ q| { PMC *const lib = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ParrotLibrary); ((Parrot_ParrotLibrary_attributes*)PMC_data(lib))->oplib_init = (void *) | ~ self.init_func ~q|; dynop_register(interp, lib); return lib; } |); }
# given a headerfile name like "include/parrot/oplib/core_ops.h", this # returns a string like "PARROT_OPLIB_CORE_OPS_H_GUARD" method _generate_guard_macro_name($filename) { $filename := subst($filename, /.h$/, ''); #my @path = File::Spec->splitdir($filename); my @path := split('/', $filename); @path.shift if @path[0]~'/' eq self<flags><dir>; @path.shift if @path[0] eq 'include'; @path.shift if @path[0] eq 'parrot'; uc( join( '_', 'parrot', |@path, 'h', 'guard' ) ); }
method _emit_guard_prefix($fh, $filename) { my $guardname := self._generate_guard_macro_name($filename); $fh.print(qq/ #ifndef $guardname #define $guardname
/); }
method _emit_guard_suffix($fh, $filename) { my $guardname := self._generate_guard_macro_name($filename); $fh.print(qq|
#endif /* $guardname */ |); }
method _emit_coda($fh) { $fh.print(q|
/* * Local variables: * c-file-style: "parrot" * buffer-read-only: t * End: * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: */ |); }
method _emit_includes($fh) {
#include "parrot/parrot.h"
#include "parrot/oplib.h"
#include "parrot/runcore_api.h"
| ~ (self.flags<core> ?? 'PARROT_EXPORT' !! '') ~ qq| op_lib_t *{self.init_func}(PARROT_INTERP, long init);
|); }
method _emit_preamble($fh) {
/* ex: set ro:
* !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!!
* This file is generated automatically from '{self<file>}' (and possibly other
* .ops files). by {self<script>}.
* Any changes made here will be lost! To regenerate this file after making
* changes to any ops, use the bootstrap-ops makefile target.
if !self.flags<core> {
$fh.print("#define PARROT_IN_EXTENSION\n");
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=perl6:
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 6:
=begin without a target?
- Around line 10:
'=end' without a target?