t/ - The Parrot Virtual Machine Test Suite
This directory contains the official Parrot Virtual Machine test suite.
For details on how tests are written see the documentation in docs/tests.pod For status of the testing effort, see t/TESTS_STATUS.pod
The script 'harness' actually runs the test suite.
To run the normal Parrot test suite tests:
make test
To run only the core test suite (intented to be used after make corevm
make coretest
The run the full test suite, which is equivalent to "make test" under various runcores as well as coding standard tests:
make fulltest
To run just the coding standard tests:
make codingstd_tests
To create code coverage reports from the Parrot test suite:
make cover
which requires the Devel::Cover Perl 5 module.
To submit "smoke" reports, you will need to install the TAP::Harness::Archive and LWP::UserAgent CPAN modules, and then type:
make smoke
The report will then be visible on Smolder:
If you only want to submit results of the core test suite to Smolder:
make smolder_coretest
Below is a list of subdirs along with a short description of what is tested in there.
- all_hll_test
Run all the tests for all HLLs and libraries. Useful before and after merges to detect regressions in projects using Parrot.
- benchmark
Benchmark tests.
- codingstd
Tests the coding conventions for Parrot source code.
- compilers
Tests for compilers in Parrot.
- configure
Tests for the Perl modules in our configuration subsystem.
- distro
Tests that run before a distribution is released. Can be run with:
make distro_tests
- doc
Tests for the completeness and sanity of the documentation.
- dynoplibs
Tests for dynamic (loadable at run-time) opcode libraries.
- dynpmc
Tests for dynamic PMCs.
- examples
Tests to check whether the examples are still working. Can be run with:
make examples_tests
- library
Test Parrot modules that ship with core. Can be run with:
make library_tests
- manifest
Tests for the functionality supporting the creation of MANIFEST and related files. Can be run with:
make manifest_tests
- native_pbc
Tests Parrot Byte Code.
- oo
Tests for object oriented features of Parrot. Can be run with
make oo_tests
- op
Tests for Parrot opcodes. Can be run with
make op_tests
- perl
Tests for the Perl 5 modules used for configuration, building and testing of Parrot. Can be run with:
make perl_tests
- pharness
Tests for the functionality supporting Parrot's test harnesses.
- pmc
Tests for Parrot PMCs. Can be run with
make pmc_tests
- postconfigure
Tests of configuration system run after configuration has completed.
- run
Tests for the command line options of the 'parrot' executable. Can be run with:
make run_tests
- src
Tests written in C, mostly for the Embed/Extend subsystems. Can be run with
make src_tests
- steps
Tests for the steps in the Parrot configuration process.
- stress
Stress testing. Make Parrot sweat.
- tools
Tests for tools useful to Parrot core and HLL developers
Copyright (C) 2005-2011, Parrot Foundation.