t/library/p6object.t -- P6object tests


% prove t/library/p6object.t


Testing Perl 6 objects.


p6obj_tests(proto, class [, options])

Run a sequence of standard tests on a protoobject. As part of the tests it also creates an instance using the .new method of proto, does some tests on the instance, and returns it. The available options include:

shortname    the name expected from stringifying the protoobject
typename     the name expected from C<typeof>
isa          a list of classes to test for "isa" semantics

Concatenate several strings into a single string.


If value is already an array of some sort, return it, otherwise split value on spaces and return that.

hash_default(hash, key, default)

Return the entry in hash[key] if it exists, otherwise return default.

is_same(x, y, message)

Test for x and y being the same PMC.

isa_ok(object, class, objectname)
isa_ok(object, class, objectname)

Test if object is/isn't an instance of class as reported by the isa opcode. objectname is used to generate the diagnostic message in output (i.e., it's not the actual diagnostic message).