- O(spec [, save])
This subrule attaches operator precedence information to a match object (such as an operator token). A typical invocation for the subrule might be:
token infix:sym<+> { <sym> <O( q{ %additive, :pirop<add> } )> }
This says to add all of the attribute of the
hash (described below) and apirop
entry into the match object returned by theinfix:sym<+>
token (as theO
named capture). Note that this is a alphabetic 'O", not a digit zero.Currently the
subrule accepts a string argument describing the hash to be stored. (Note theq{ ... }
above. Eventually it may be possible to omit the 'q' such that an actual (constant) hash constructor is passed as an argument toO
.The hash built via the string argument to
is cached, so that subsequent parses of the same token re-use the hash built from previous parses of the token, rather than building a new hash on each invocation.The
argument is used to build "hash" aggregates that can be referred to by subsequent calls toO
. For example,NQP::Grammar.O(':prec<t=>, :assoc<left>', '%additive' );
specifies the values to be associated with later references to "%additive". Eventually it will likely be possible to use true hashes from a package namespace, but this works for now.
Currently the only pairs recognized have the form
, and:pair<strval>
.# First, get the hash cache. Right now we have one # cache for all grammars; eventually we may need a way to # separate them out by cursor type. .local pmc ohash ohash = get_global '%!ohash' unless null ohash goto have_ohash ohash = new ['Hash'] set_global '%!ohash', ohash have_ohash: # See if we've already created a Hash for the current # specification string -- if so, use that. .local pmc hash hash = ohash[spec] unless null hash goto hash_done # Otherwise, we need to build a new one. hash = new ['Hash'] .local int pos, eos pos = 0 eos = length spec spec_loop: pos = find_not_cclass .CCLASS_WHITESPACE, spec, pos, eos if pos >= eos goto spec_done $S0 = substr spec, pos, 1 if $S0 == ',' goto spec_comma if $S0 == ':' goto spec_pair # If whatever we found doesn't start with a colon, treat it # as a lookup of a previously saved hash to be merged in. .local string lookup .local int lpos # Find the first whitespace or comma lpos = find_cclass .CCLASS_WHITESPACE, spec, pos, eos $I0 = index spec, ',', pos if $I0 < 0 goto have_lookup_lpos if $I0 >= lpos goto have_lookup_lpos lpos = $I0 have_lookup_lpos: $I0 = lpos - pos lookup = substr spec, pos, $I0 .local pmc lhash, lhash_it lhash = ohash[lookup] if null lhash goto err_lookup lhash_it = iter lhash lhash_loop: unless lhash_it goto lhash_done $S0 = shift lhash_it $P0 = lhash[$S0] hash[$S0] = $P0 goto lhash_loop lhash_done: pos = lpos goto spec_loop # We just ignore commas between elements for now. spec_comma: inc pos goto spec_loop # If we see a colon, then we want to parse whatever # comes next like a pair. spec_pair: # eat colon inc pos .local string name .local pmc value value = new ['Boolean'] # If the pair is of the form :!name, then reverse the value # and skip the colon. $S0 = substr spec, pos, 1 $I0 = iseq $S0, '!' pos += $I0 $I0 = not $I0 value = $I0 # Get the name of the pair. lpos = find_not_cclass .CCLASS_WORD, spec, pos, eos $I0 = lpos - pos name = substr spec, pos, $I0 pos = lpos # Look for a <...> that follows. $S0 = substr spec, pos, 1 unless $S0 == '<' goto have_value inc pos lpos = index spec, '>', pos $I0 = lpos - pos $S0 = substr spec, pos, $I0 value = box $S0 pos = lpos + 1 have_value: # Done processing the pair, store it in the hash. hash[name] = value goto spec_loop spec_done: # Done processing the spec string, cache the hash for later. ohash[spec] = hash hash_done: # If we've been called as a subrule, then build a pass-cursor # to indicate success and set the hash as the subrule's match object. if has_save goto save_hash ($P0, $S0, $I0) = self.'!cursor_start'() $P0.'!cursor_pass'($I0, '') setattribute $P0, cur_class, '$!match', hash .return ($P0) # save the hash under a new entry save_hash: ohash[save] = hash .return (self) err_lookup: self.'panic'('Unknown operator precedence specification "', lookup, '"') }; }
- panic([args :slurpy])
Throw an exception at the current cursor location. If the message doesn't end with a newline, also output the line number and offset of the match.
method panic(*@args) { my $pos := self.pos(); my $target := nqp::getattr_s(self, NQPCursor, '$!target'); @args.push(' at line '); @args.push(HLL::Compiler.lineof($target, $pos) + 1); @args.push(', near "'); @args.push(pir::escape__SS(nqp::substr($target, $pos, 10))); @args.push('"'); nqp::die(nqp::join('', @args)) } method FAILGOAL($goal) { my $sub := Q:PIR { %r = getinterp %r = %r['sub';1] }; self.panic("Unable to parse ", ~$sub, ", couldn't find final $goal"); }
- peek_delimiters(target, pos)
Return the start/stop delimiter pair based on peeking at
.method peek_delimiters($target, $pos) { Q:PIR { .local pmc self self = find_lex 'self' .local string target $P0 = find_lex '$target' target = $P0 .local int pos $P0 = find_lex '$pos' pos = $P0 .local string brackets, start, stop $P0 = find_lex '$brackets' brackets = $P0 # peek at the next character start = substr target, pos, 1 # colon and word characters aren't valid delimiters if start == ':' goto err_colon_delim $I0 = is_cclass .CCLASS_WORD, start, 0 if $I0 goto err_word_delim $I0 = is_cclass .CCLASS_WHITESPACE, start, 0 if $I0 goto err_ws_delim # assume stop delim is same as start, for the moment stop = start # see if we have an opener or closer $I0 = index brackets, start if $I0 < 0 goto bracket_end # if it's a closing bracket, that's an error also $I1 = $I0 % 2 if $I1 goto err_close # it's an opener, so get the closing bracket inc $I0 stop = substr brackets, $I0, 1 # see if the opening bracket is repeated .local int len len = 0 bracket_loop: inc pos inc len $S0 = substr target, pos, 1 if $S0 == start goto bracket_loop if len == 1 goto bracket_end start = repeat start, len stop = repeat stop, len bracket_end: .return (start, stop, pos) err_colon_delim: self.'panic'('Colons may not be used to delimit quoting constructs') err_word_delim: self.'panic'('Alphanumeric character is not allowed as a delimiter') err_ws_delim: self.'panic'('Whitespace character is not allowed as a delimiter') err_close: self.'panic'('Use of a closing delimiter for an opener is reserved') }; } token quote_EXPR(*@args) { :my %*QUOTEMOD; :my $*QUOTE_START; :my $*QUOTE_STOP; { Q:PIR { .local pmc self, cur_class, args self = find_lex 'self' cur_class = find_lex '$cursor_class' args = find_lex '@args' .local pmc quotemod, true quotemod = find_lex '%*QUOTEMOD' true = box 1 args_loop: unless args goto args_done .local string mod mod = shift args mod = substr mod, 1 quotemod[mod] = true if mod == 'qq' goto opt_qq if mod == 'b' goto opt_b goto args_loop opt_qq: quotemod['s'] = true quotemod['a'] = true quotemod['h'] = true quotemod['f'] = true quotemod['c'] = true quotemod['b'] = true opt_b: quotemod['q'] = true goto args_loop args_done: .local pmc start, stop .local string target .local int pos target = repr_get_attr_str self, cur_class, '$!target' pos = repr_get_attr_int self, cur_class, '$!pos' (start, stop) = self.'peek_delimiters'(target, pos) store_lex '$*QUOTE_START', start store_lex '$*QUOTE_STOP', stop } } <quote_delimited> } token quotemod_check($mod) { <?{ %*QUOTEMOD{$mod} }> } method starter() { Q:PIR { .local pmc self, cur .local string target, start .local int pos self = find_lex 'self' (cur, target, pos) = self.'!cursor_start'() $P0 = find_dynamic_lex '$*QUOTE_START' if null $P0 goto fail start = $P0 $I0 = length start $S0 = substr target, pos, $I0 unless $S0 == start goto fail pos += $I0 cur.'!cursor_pass'(pos, 'starter') fail: .return (cur) }; } method stopper() { Q:PIR { .local pmc self, cur .local string target, stop .local int pos self = find_lex 'self' (cur, target, pos) = self.'!cursor_start'() $P0 = find_dynamic_lex '$*QUOTE_STOP' if null $P0 goto fail stop = $P0 $I0 = length stop $S0 = substr target, pos, $I0 unless $S0 == stop goto fail pos += $I0 cur.'!cursor_pass'(pos, 'stopper') fail: .return (cur) }; } our method split_words($words) { Q:PIR { .include 'src/Regex/constants.pir' .local string words $P0 = find_lex '$words' words = $P0 .local int pos, eos .local pmc result pos = 0 eos = length words result = new ['ResizablePMCArray'] split_loop: pos = find_not_cclass .CCLASS_WHITESPACE, words, pos, eos unless pos < eos goto split_done $I0 = find_cclass .CCLASS_WHITESPACE, words, pos, eos $I1 = $I0 - pos $S0 = substr words, pos, $I1 push result, $S0 pos = $I0 goto split_loop split_done: .return (result) }; }
- EXPR(...)
An operator precedence parser.
method EXPR($preclim = '') { Q:PIR { .local pmc self, cur_class self = find_lex 'self' cur_class = find_lex '$cursor_class' .local string preclim $P0 = find_lex '$preclim' preclim = $P0 .local pmc here .local string tgt .local int pos (here, tgt, pos) = self.'!cursor_start'() .local string termishrx termishrx = 'termish' .local pmc opstack, termstack opstack = new ['ResizablePMCArray'] .lex '@opstack', opstack termstack = new ['ResizablePMCArray'] .lex '@termstack', termstack term_loop: .local pmc termcur repr_bind_attr_int here, cur_class, "$!pos", pos termcur = here.termishrx() pos = repr_get_attr_int termcur, cur_class, "$!pos" repr_bind_attr_int here, cur_class, "$!pos", pos if pos < 0 goto fail .local pmc termish termish = termcur.'MATCH'() # interleave any prefix/postfix we might have found .local pmc termOPER, prefixish, postfixish termOPER = termish termOPER_loop: $I0 = exists termOPER['OPER'] unless $I0 goto termOPER_done termOPER = termOPER['OPER'] goto termOPER_loop termOPER_done: prefixish = termOPER['prefixish'] postfixish = termOPER['postfixish'] if null prefixish goto prefix_done prepostfix_loop: unless prefixish goto prepostfix_done unless postfixish goto prepostfix_done .local pmc preO, postO .local string preprec, postprec $P0 = prefixish[0] $P0 = $P0['OPER'] preO = $P0['O'] preprec = preO['prec'] $P0 = postfixish[-1] $P0 = $P0['OPER'] postO = $P0['O'] postprec = postO['prec'] if postprec < preprec goto post_shift if postprec > preprec goto pre_shift $S0 = postO['uassoc'] if $S0 == 'right' goto pre_shift post_shift: $P0 = pop postfixish push opstack, $P0 goto prepostfix_loop pre_shift: $P0 = shift prefixish push opstack, $P0 goto prepostfix_loop prepostfix_done: prefix_loop: unless prefixish goto prefix_done $P0 = shift prefixish push opstack, $P0 goto prefix_loop prefix_done: delete termish['prefixish'] postfix_loop: if null postfixish goto postfix_done unless postfixish goto postfix_done $P0 = pop postfixish push opstack, $P0 goto postfix_loop postfix_done: delete termish['postfixish'] $P0 = termish['term'] push termstack, $P0 # Now see if we can fetch an infix operator .local pmc wscur, infixcur, infix # First, we need ws to match. repr_bind_attr_int here, cur_class, "$!pos", pos wscur = here.'ws'() pos = repr_get_attr_int wscur, cur_class, '$!pos' if pos < 0 goto term_done repr_bind_attr_int here, cur_class, "$!pos", pos # Next, try the infix itself. infixcur = here.'infixish'() pos = repr_get_attr_int infixcur, cur_class, '$!pos' if pos < 0 goto term_done infix = infixcur.'MATCH'() # We got an infix. .local pmc inO $P0 = infix['OPER'] inO = $P0['O'] termishrx = inO['nextterm'] if termishrx goto have_termishrx nonextterm: termishrx = 'termish' have_termishrx: .local string inprec, inassoc, opprec inprec = inO['prec'] unless inprec goto err_inprec if inprec < preclim goto term_done inassoc = inO['assoc'] $P0 = inO['sub'] if null $P0 goto subprec_done inO['prec'] = $P0 subprec_done: reduce_loop: unless opstack goto reduce_done $P0 = opstack[-1] $P0 = $P0['OPER'] $P0 = $P0['O'] opprec = $P0['prec'] unless opprec > inprec goto reduce_gt_done self.'EXPR_reduce'(termstack, opstack) goto reduce_loop reduce_gt_done: unless opprec == inprec goto reduce_done # equal precedence, use associativity to decide unless inassoc == 'left' goto reduce_done # left associative, reduce immediately self.'EXPR_reduce'(termstack, opstack) reduce_done: push opstack, infix # The Shift repr_bind_attr_int here, cur_class, "$!pos", pos wscur = here.'ws'() pos = repr_get_attr_int wscur, cur_class, '$!pos' repr_bind_attr_int here, cur_class, "$!pos", pos if pos < 0 goto fail goto term_loop term_done: opstack_loop: unless opstack goto opstack_done self.'EXPR_reduce'(termstack, opstack) goto opstack_loop opstack_done: expr_done: .local pmc term term = pop termstack pos = here.'pos'() here = self.'!cursor_start'() here.'!cursor_pass'(pos) repr_bind_attr_int here, cur_class, '$!pos', pos setattribute here, cur_class, '$!match', term here.'!reduce'('EXPR') goto done fail: done: .return (here) err_internal: $I0 = termstack here.'panic'('Internal operator parser error, @termstack == ', $I0) err_inprec: infixcur.'panic'('Missing infixish operator precedence') }; } method EXPR_reduce($termstack, $opstack) { Q:PIR { .local pmc self, termstack, opstack self = find_lex 'self' termstack = find_lex '$termstack' opstack = find_lex '$opstack' .local pmc op, opOPER, opO .local string opassoc op = pop opstack # Give it a fresh capture list, since we'll have assumed it has # no positional captures and not taken them. .local pmc cap_class cap_class = find_lex 'NQPCapture' $P0 = new ['ResizablePMCArray'] setattribute op, cap_class, '@!array', $P0 opOPER = op['OPER'] opO = opOPER['O'] $P0 = opO['assoc'] opassoc = $P0 if opassoc == 'unary' goto op_unary if opassoc == 'list' goto op_list op_infix: .local pmc right, left right = pop termstack left = pop termstack op[0] = left op[1] = right $P0 = opO['reducecheck'] if null $P0 goto op_infix_1 $S0 = $P0 self.$S0(op) op_infix_1: self.'!reduce_with_match'('EXPR', 'INFIX', op) goto done op_unary: .local pmc arg, afrom, ofrom arg = pop termstack op[0] = arg afrom = arg.'from'() ofrom = op.'from'() if afrom < ofrom goto op_postfix op_prefix: self.'!reduce_with_match'('EXPR', 'PREFIX', op) goto done op_postfix: self.'!reduce_with_match'('EXPR', 'POSTFIX', op) goto done op_list: .local string sym sym = '' $P0 = opOPER['sym'] if null $P0 goto op_list_1 sym = $P0 op_list_1: arg = pop termstack unshift op, arg op_sym_loop: unless opstack goto op_sym_done $S0 = '' $P0 = opstack[-1] $P0 = $P0['OPER'] $P0 = $P0['sym'] if null $P0 goto op_sym_1 $S0 = $P0 op_sym_1: if sym != $S0 goto op_sym_done arg = pop termstack unshift op, arg $P0 = pop opstack goto op_sym_loop op_sym_done: arg = pop termstack unshift op, arg self.'!reduce_with_match'('EXPR', 'LIST', op) goto done done: push termstack, op }; } method ternary($match) { $match[2] := $match[1]; $match[1] := $match{'infix'}{'EXPR'}; } method MARKER($markname) { my %markhash := Q:PIR { %r = get_global '%!MARKHASH' unless null %r goto have_markhash %r = new ['Hash'] set_global '%!MARKHASH', %r have_markhash: }; my $cur := self."!cursor_start"(); $cur."!cursor_pass"(self.pos()); %markhash{$markname} := $cur; } method MARKED($markname) { my %markhash := Q:PIR { %r = get_global '%!MARKHASH' unless null %r goto have_markhash %r = new ['Hash'] set_global '%!MARKHASH', %r have_markhash: }; my $cur := %markhash{$markname}; unless nqp::istype($cur, NQPCursor) && $cur.pos() == self.pos() { $cur := self."!cursor_start"(); } $cur } method LANG($lang, $regex) { my $lang_cursor := %*LANG{$lang}.'!cursor_init'(self.target(), :p(self.pos())); if self.HOW.traced(self) { $lang_cursor.HOW.trace-on($lang_cursor, self.HOW.trace_depth(self)); } my $*ACTIONS := %*LANG{$lang ~ '-actions'}; $lang_cursor."$regex"(); } }
9 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 130:
=begin without a target?
- Around line 132:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
=over without closing =back
- Around line 167:
'=end method O($spec, $save?) { Q:PIR { .local pmc self, cur_class .local string spec, save .local int has_save self = find_lex 'self' cur_class = find_lex '$cursor_class' $P0 = find_lex '$spec' spec = $P0 has_save = 0 $P0 = find_lex '$save' unless $P0 goto no_save save = $P0 has_save = 1 no_save:' is invalid. (Stack: =over)
- Around line 304:
=begin without a target?
- Around line 312:
'=end' without a target?
- Around line 334:
=begin without a target?
- Around line 341:
'=end' without a target?
- Around line 529:
=begin without a target?
- Around line 535:
'=end' without a target?