Base class for Runcode transformations.

method prefix() { 'Parrot_' };

# We can't use yada-yada-yada method suffix() { die("...") }

method core_type() { die("...") }

# Prepare internal structures from Ops::File.ops. method prepare_ops($emitter, $ops_file) { die('...') }

# method emit_c_op_funcs_header_part($fh) { die('...') }

# Called from Ops::Op. method body_prelude() { '' }

method defines($emitter) { die('...') }

method emit_source_part($emitter, $fh) { die('...') }

# Default op lookup do nothing. But op_deinit referenced anyway. method emit_op_lookup($fh) { $fh.print(q|static void hop_deinit(SHIM_INTERP) {}|); }

method init_func_init1() { '' } method init_func_disaptch() { '' }

method op_info($emitter) { 'NULL' } method op_func($emitter) { 'NULL' } method getop($emitter) { '( int (*)(PARROT_INTERP, const char *, int) )NULL' };

our %arg_maps := {};

method access_arg($type, $num) { die('...'); }

method restart_address($addr) { die('...'); } method restart_offset($offset) { die('...'); }

method goto_address($addr) { die('...'); } method goto_offset($offset) { die('...'); }

method expr_address($addr) { die('...'); } method expr_offset($offset) { die('...'); }

# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=perl6:

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 6:

=begin without a target?

Around line 10:

'=end' without a target?