docs/README.pod - Readme file for the 'docs/' directory.
This README sets out the documents and directories in the 'docs/' top-level directory.[1]
- binaries/
The pod files for Parrot's installable executables.
- book/
The pod files for the "PCT Book," the "PIR Book," and a draft of the "Parrot Developer's Guide: PIR Book".
- compiler_faq.pod
A Parrot FAQ for compiler writers in PIR.[2]
- configuration.pod
A document on Parrot's Configuration System.
- debugger.pod
Documentation for
, the Parrot debugger. - debug.pod
A beginner's guide to debugging the Parrot executable.
- deprecations/
Documentation on Parrot's deprecation policy and documents on various Parrot deprecations.
- dev/
This subdirectory contains a number of files discussing various implementation decisions made during the course of the development of Parrot. The intent is to keep discussion of implementation-specific issues separate from the basic design issues discussed in the PDDs.
- embed_new.pod
An overview of Parrot's embedding system.
- embed.pod
Describes the embedding subsystem in excruciating detail.
- extend.pod
A (mostly empty) description of Parrot's extension system.
- faq.pod
The Parrot FAQ.
- gettingstarted.pod
The Parrot Developer FAQ.[3]
- glossary.pod
A guide to some of the jargon which crops up repeatedly in Parrot development and throughout the documentation.
- html/
This subdirectory contains an html version of Parrot's Documentation Set.
- imcc/
This subdirectory contains documentation on Parrot's Intermediate Code Compiler (IMCC).
- index/
This subdirectory contains the json formatted files with which to generate Parrot's html Documentation Set.
- intro.pod
An introductory article on what Parrot is and how to do some interesting things with it.
- memory_internals.pod
An introduction to the Parrot GC subsystem
- multidispatch.pod
An (outdated document) on Parrot's multimethod dispatch for binary opcode functions.
- optable.pod
An ALPHA pod, describing the PGE operator precedence table and parser.
- overview.pod
An overview of Parrot's architecture and design.
- parrotbyte.pod
The Parrot bytecode format.
- parrothist.pod
A document which records Parrot source code releases, and their release managers.
- parrot.pod
A general document for the uninitiated which points to several "good starting points" throughout Parrot's Documentation Set.
- pct/
This subdirectory contains documentation on the Parrot Compiler Toolkit.
- pdds/
This subdirectory contains all of the current Parrot Design Documents (PDDs). PDDs are detailed guides to the design of the various Parrot subsystems, e.g., pdd03_calling_conventions.pod specifies Parrot's inter-routine calling conventions.
- pmc/
This subdirectory contains documentation on several of the PMC types available to Parrot.
- pmc2c.pod
A document on the tools/build/ and how to use the tool to generate C code files from PMC definition files.
- pmc.pod
A general overview of PMC.
- porting_intro.pod
"This document is an introduction to porting the optional subsystems of Parrot onto a new architecture once the core successfully builds."
- project/
This subdirectory contains documentation important to Parrot Developers and administrators, e.g., docs/projects/release_manager_guide.pod.
- req/
This subdirectory contains a document on "Model Users For Parrot Design Decisions."[4]
- resources/
This subdirectory contains various "resource" files, e.g., parrot_logo.png, parrot.css, etc.
- running.pod
Brief descriptions of the different executables and how to run them.
- stability.pod
"This document classifies Parrot components and interfaces based on their stability."
- submissions.pod
This is a document on "[h]ow to submit bug reports, patches and new files to Parrot."
- tests.pod
Hints on writing tests for the Parrot interpreter.
- translations/
This subdirectory contains multiple translations of Parrot's plaintext 'README', e.g., README.deutsch, README.espanol, etc.
- user/
This subdirectory contains various documents of general interest to users, wanting to target Parrot.
- vtables.pod
A brief introduction to the vtable at the heart of all PMCs, and how to implement your own PMC type.
[1] The contents of this 'README.pod' are, at present, tentative and, therefore, are subject to change.
[2] We should change the name of this FAQ to better conform with the purpose of the FAQ. compiler_faq.pod is far too ambiguous to be helpful.
[3] We should change the name of this FAQ to better conform with the purpose of the FAQ. getttingstarted.pod is far too general and implies something other than the Parrot Developer FAQ.
[4] Is there any reason to retain this document? It seems, ten years later, more of a curiousity than an actual guide.
Copyright (C) 2012, Parrot Foundation.