docs/pmc2c.pod - The PMC definition to C compiler.
To see the internal data structures please run:
% perl tools/build/ --c --debug --debug sarray.pmc | less
This document covers the PMC definition to C compiler, i.e., tools/build/
Compiling PMCs
First, the program determines the names of the .c and .h files from the basename of the .pmc file (e.g. perlint.pmc -> perlint.c and perlint.h).
Next, the file is searched for /pmclass \w*/
which attempts to find the class being declared.
Once the class is found, all of its superclasses are scanned and their methods added to the methods of the current PMC. PMCs default to inheriting from 'default'. Only single inheritance is supported.
Once the superclass is determined, it is processed and its method names are extracted and saved.
Next, each method body is processed with various directives (see below) getting replaced by their appropriate values.
Finally, the .c and .h files are generated. The appropriate base class header files are included.
If the no_init
flag was used, then no init function is generated. Otherwise, one is generated which sets up the vtable and enters it into the vtables
The .c file is generated by appending the functions after the various directives have been replaced.
PMC File Syntax
The basic syntax of a PMC file is
A preamble, consisting of code to be copied directly to the .c file
declaration:pmclass PMCNAME [flags] {
are:extends PMCPARENT
All methods not defined in PMCNAME are inherited from the PMCPARENT class. If no parent class is defined, methods from default.pmc are used.
This class cannot be instantiated. Abstract classes are shown with lower case class names in the class tree.
Used with
: Noclass_init
code is generated. const_too
Classes with this flag get 2 vtables and 2 enums, one pair with read/write set methods, and one with read-only set methods.
does interface
The class 'does' the given interfaces (the collection of methods which the class implements).
The default is "scalar". Other currently used interfaces are:
array : container PMC with numerically-keyed elements event : PMC that can be used with event queue hash : container PMC with string-keyed elements library : PMC that corresponds to a dynamic library ref : PMC that references another PMC string : PMC that behaves similarly to the base string type boolean : PMC that does true/false only. integer : PMC that behaves similarly to the base int type float : PMC that behaves similarly to the base number type scalar : (only used by the sample src/dynpmc/foo.pmc)
This is not a canonical list, but merely a snapshot of what's in use.
The class is a dynamic class. These have a special
routine suitable for dynamic loading at runtime. See the src/dynpmc directory for an example. group GROUP
The class is part of a group of interrelated PMCs that should be compiled together into a single shared library of the given name. Only valid for dynamic PMCs.
lib LIB
The class needs an external library.
hll HLL
The High level language this PMC corresponds to.
maps Type
The basic parrot PMC type that this PMC correspond to for
usage. For example:pmclass TclInt hll Tcl maps Integer
allows this PMC to automatically be used when autoboxing
registers to PMCs.Requires the
flag. Note that multiple mappings can be specified:pmclass myOrderedHash hll frob maps Hash maps Array
A list of attribute declarations:
The ATTR declaration keyword is followed by the type of the attribute and the name of the attribute. Any valid C type is a valid attribute type, but only INTVAL, FLOATVAL, STRING *, and PMC * can be handled directly from PIR. Other types are generally only used by low-level internal PMCs.
A list of vtable function implementations
The final close
Method Body Substitutions
The vtable function bodies can use the following substitutions:
Converted to the current PMC object of type
Converted to the interpreter object.
Calls the static vtable or method 'method' in
. SELF.method(a,b,c)
Calls the vtable or method 'method' using the dynamic type of
. SELF(a,b,c)
Same as above, but calls the current method.
Calls the vtable or method 'method' using the static type of
(in other words, calls another method defined in the same file). OtherClass.SUPER(a,b,c)
Calls the overridden implementation of the current method in
. SUPER(a,b,c)
Calls the overridden implementation of the current method in the nearest superclass, using the type of
Leopold Toetsch.
Cleaned up by Matt Diephouse.
Many thanks to the author of, many useful code pieces got reused.