examples/README.pod - Readme file for the directory.


The directory 'examples' provides examples of proper, and sometimes silly, programs for Parrot. Most of these examples are tested by test scripts in 't/examples'.

    benchmarks - Contains benchmarks. Run them with 'make benchmark_tests'
    c - Examples in C
    compilers - Examples for parrot compilers
    io - Examples how PIR and PASM programs talk with the world
    japh - Say 'Just another Parrot hacker' in various ways
    library - Examples on how to use PIR libraries
    mops - Million ops per second
    nci - Native call interface
    pasm - Examples in Parrot Assembler, PASM
    past - Examples of PAST, Parrot Abstract Syntax Tree, see pdd26_ast
    pge - Parrot grammar engine
    pir - Examples in Parrot Intermediate Representation, PIR
    sdl - SDL
    shootout - PIR[*]
    streams - Examples for the streams library
    subs - calling subroutines in PIR and PASM
    tge - usage of TGE, see compilers/tge
    tutorial - a PIR tutorial


[*] For the great computer languages shootout at


Copyright (C) 2001-2012, Parrot Foundation.