Parrot::Configure::Options::Conf::CLI - Options processing functionality for Parrot's standard command-line interface


use Parrot::Configure::Options::Conf::CLI qw(


This package exports four variables on demand.


Typically, only one of these -- %options_components -- is directly imported by Parrot::Configure::Options for use in the case where options are supplied to on the command-line. But all five are, in principle, importable by other packages.


%options_components = (
    'valid_options'  => \@valid_options,
    'script'         => $script,
    'short_circuits' => \%short_circuits,
    'conditionals'   => \&conditional_assignments,

Hash with four elements keyed as follows:

  • valid_options

    Reference to an array holding a list of options are valid when configuring Parrot via the Configuration-File interface. The options are documented when you call perl --help. --ask is excluded because if you know enough about what options you want to put them in a file, you should be past the point of needing interactive configuration.

  • script

    Defaults to string '', but may be overridden for testing purposes.

  • short_circuits

    Reference to a hash with two elements:

    • help

      Reference to subroutine print_help, which prints's help message. Since this subroutine is shared with another package, it is actually imported from Parrot::Configure::Options::Conf.

    • version

      Reference to subroutine print_version, which prints's version number. Since this subroutine is shared with another package, it is actually imported from Parrot::Configure::Options::Conf.

  • conditionals

    Reference to a subroutine private to this package which:

    • Sets default values for the debugging and maintainer options under most situations.

    • Fetches the list of configuration steps from the configuration file.

    The subroutine takes a single argument: a reference to a hash holding elements concerned with configuration, such as the valid options.

    The subroutine returns a two-argument list:

    • An augmented version of the hash reference passed in as an argument.

    • Reference to array holding list of configuration steps.

    That's probably difficult to understand at first. So here is an example of how $options_components->{conditionals} is actually used inside Parrot::Configure::Options::process_options().

    my $data;
    # $data is hash ref which gets assigned some key-value pairs
    my $steps_list_ref;
    ($data, $steps_list_ref) =
        &{ $options_components->{conditionals} }($data);


The functionality in this package originally appeared in It was transferred here and adapted for configuration by file by James E Keenan.

SEE ALSO Parrot::Configure::Options. Parrot::Configure::Options::Conf. Parrot::Configure::Options::Reconf. Parrot::Configure::Options::Conf::CLI.