t/pmc/namepspace.t - test NameSpace PMC


% prove t/pmc/namespace.t


Tests the NameSpace PMC. Some things that it tests specifically:

    =item* Creating new NameSpace PMCs

    =item* Verify that things which are supposed to return a NameSpace actually do.

    =item* Various forms of get_global opcode

    =item* Finding and calling Subs which are stored in the NameSpace

    =item* Methods on the NameSpace PMC

    =item* Building NameSpace hierarchies on the fly

    =item* HLL NameSpaces

Items that need to be tested according to PDD21, or the current source code of the NameSpace PMC:

    =item* methods: add_sub, del_sub, del_var, del_namespace

    =item* Typed and Untyped interfaces

    =item* Subclassing NameSpace (If it's possible)

    =item* .'export_to'()

    Although NameSpace.'export_to'() is used in test_more.pir.