Reaction::UI::Controller::Root - Base component for the Root Controller


package MyApp::Controller::Root;
use base 'Reaction::UI::Controller::Root';

  view_name => 'Site',
  window_title => 'Reaction Test App',
  namespace => ''

# Create UI elements:

# Access the window title in a template:
[% window.title %]


Using this module as a base component for your Catalyst Root Controller provides automatic creation of a Reaction::UI::Window object containing an empty Reaction::UI::FocusStack for your UI elements. The stack is also resolved and rendered for you in the end action.

At the begin of each request, a Reaction::UI::Window object is created using the configured "view_name", "content_type" and "window_title". These thus should be directly changed on the stashed window object at runtime, if needed.



Arguments: $viewname?

Set or retrieve the classname of the view used to render the UI. Can also be set by a call to config. Defaults to 'XHTML'.


Arguments: $contenttype?

Set or retrieve the content type of the page created. Can also be set by a call to config or in a config file. Defaults to 'text/html'.


Arguments: $windowtitle?

Set or retrieve the title of the page created. Can also be set by a call to config or in a config file. No default.


See Reaction::Class for authors.


See Reaction::Class for the license.