Changes to the Action Prototype Mechanism


After Reaction 0.001001 the API used to create links for different actions in the ViewPort::Collection::Grid changed significantly. The aim of the changes was to create a simpler API that was more concise, flexible, and didn't tie unneccessary controller logic in the ViewPort layer.

Major Changes

Controller Layer


The default display class for the list action is now Grid.
Addition of the default_member_actions and default_collection_actions
Addition of the _build_member_action_prototype and _build_collection_action_prototype methods. These are used by _build_action_viewport_args to create prototypes for collection and member actions.


By default, enable create, update, delete, delete_all, actions.

ViewPort Layer


Add the member_action_count attribute. It allows the controller to know how many actions to expect to lay out the UI properly.
Default to member-class Grid::Member::WithActions


Completely revamped the action-prototypes, added ordering support and moved to using the new ViewPort::URI|Reaction::UI::ViewPort::URI.

Most notably action_prototypes is now a HASH ref.


In most cases, you shouldn't need to change much for migration, but if you had custom actions in your controllers that were linked to by the CRUD system, or you had excluded certain classes, you'll need to create some minor updates.

A custom collection action in your controller.

#old code
sub custom_action { ... }
sub _build_action_viewport_map {
  my $map = shift->next::method(@_);
  $map->{custom_action} = 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action';
  return $map;
sub _build_action_viewport_args {
  my $args = shift->next::method(@_);
  my $custom_proto = {
    label => 'Create',
    action => sub { [ '', 'create',    $_[1]->req->captures ] } 
  my $protos = $args->{list}->{action_prototypes};
  push(@$protos, $custom_proto);
  return $args;

#new code:
sub custom_action { ... }
sub _build_action_viewport_map {
  my $map = shift->next::method(@_);
  $map->{custom_action} = 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action';
  return $map;
sub _build_default_collection_actions {
  [ @{shift->next::method(@_)}, 'custom_action'];

A custom member action in your controller.

#old code
sub custom_action { ... }
sub _build_action_viewport_map {
  my $map = shift->next::method(@_);
  $map->{custom_action} = 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action';
  return $map;
sub _build_action_viewport_args {
  my $args = shift->next::method(@_);
  my $custom_proto = {
    label => 'Create',
    action => sub { [ '', 'create',    $_[1]->req->captures ] } 
  my $protos = $args->{list}->{Member}->{action_prototypes};
  push(@$protos, $custom_proto);
  return $args;

#new code:
sub custom_action { ... }
sub _build_action_viewport_map {
  my $map = shift->next::method(@_);
  $map->{custom_action} = 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action';
  return $map;
sub _build_default_member_actions {
  [ @{shift->next::method(@_)}, 'custom_action'];

Disabling a default collection action

#old code
sub delete_all {}
sub _build_action_viewport_args {
  my $args = shift->next::method(@_);
  #remove the delete all action
  my $protos = $args->{list}->{action_prototypes};
  @$protos = grep { $_->{label} !~ /Delete all/i } @$protos;
  return $args;

#new code
sub delete_all {}
sub _build_default_collection_actions {
  [ grep {$_ ne 'delete_all'} @{ shift->next::method(@_) } ];

#or ...
sub delete_all {}
sub _build_action_viewport_args {
  my $args = shift->next::method(@_);
  my $protos = $args->{list}->{action_prototypes};
  delete $protos->{delete_all};
  return $args;

Changing the label of a collection action

#old code
sub _build_action_viewport_args {
  my $args = shift->next::method(@_);
  my $protos = $args->{list}->{action_prototypes};
  $proto = grep { $_->{label} eq 'Delete all' } @$protos;
  $proto->{label} = 'New Label';
  return $args;

#new code
sub delete_all {}
sub _build_action_viewport_args {
  my $args = shift->next::method(@_);
  my $protos = $args->{list}->{action_prototypes};
  $proto->{delete_all}->{label} = 'New Label';
  return $args;

#or ...
__PACKAGE__->config(action => { list => { ViewPort => {
    action_prototypes => { delete_all => {label => 'New Label'} }