Changes for version 0.006 - 2011-02-15
- Fix Content-type issue (ie, Content-type: blah works, but Content-type: blah; charset: blah shits flames)
- Make Web::Dispatch return [\$cv] as \$cv to allow subref responses
- Stop undef errors killing XML::Tags conversion to string
- Fixup dispatcher logic so dispatchers within a /foo/... work correctly
A quick and easy way to build simple web applications
A base class for your Web-Simple application
in lib/CSS/
in lib/CSS/
in lib/HTML/
in lib/Plack/Middleware/
in lib/Web/
in lib/Web/Dispatch/
in lib/Web/Dispatch/
in lib/Web/Dispatch/
in lib/Web/Dispatch/
in lib/Web/Dispatch/
in lib/Web/Dispatch/
in lib/Web/Simple/
in lib/XML/
in lib/XML/
in lib/XML/
in lib/XML/