At present there is only one function available, namely &test(). It takes at least 5 arguments. These are: 1) the name of the search engine (string); 2) the maintainer's name (and email address) (string); 3) a filename (unique among tests for this backend) (string); 4) the raw query string; 5) the test method (one of the constants $TEST_EXACTLY, $TEST_RANGE, $TEST_GREATER_THAN, $TEST_BY_COUNTING); optional arguments 6 and 7 are integers to be used when counting the results.
The query is sent to the engine, and the results are compared to previously stored results as follows: If the method is $TEST_EXACTLY, the two lists of URLs must match exactly. If the method is $TEST_RANGE, the number of URLs must be between arg6 and arg7. If the method is $TEST_GREATER_THAN, the number of URLs must be greater than arg6. If the method is $TEST_BY_COUNTING, the number of URLs must be exactly arg6 (but we don't care what the URLs are).
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 251:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 255:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'