The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

# by Paul Lindner <>
# Copyright (C) 1997 by the UN Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC)
=head1 NAME
WWW::Search::PLweb - class for searching PLS PLweb search engine
require WWW::Search;
$search = new WWW::Search('PLweb');
This class is a PLweb specialization of WWW::Search.
It queries and interprets searches based on PLweb, by PLS
This class exports no public interface; all interaction should be
done through WWW::Search objects.
This software assumes that you're using the default output format for
a PLweb search. It should look like this:
388 Document1 foo 1122 ...
=head1 OPTIONS
This search supports standard WWW::Search arguments
=over 8
=item search_url
The PLweb URL to search. On unix this usually looks like
=item search_args
The arguments used for the search engine, separate them by &.
=head1 SEE ALSO
To make new back-ends, see L<WWW::Search>,
=head1 AUTHOR
C<WWW::Search::PLweb> is written by Paul Lindner, <>
=head1 BUGS
Things not supported: $result->raw()
Copyright (c) 1997, 98 by the United Nations Administrative Committee
on Coordination (ACC)
All rights reserved.
use strict;
use vars qw(@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK @ISA $debug);
require Exporter;
@EXPORT = qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw();
@ISA = qw(WWW::Search Exporter);
use Carp ();
my($debug) = 0;
sub native_setup_search {
my($self, $native_query, $native_opt) = @_;
my($default_native_url) =
if (defined($native_opt)) {
$debug = 1 if ($native_opt->{'search_debug'});
if ($self->{'search_url'} && $native_opt->{'search_args'}) {
$native_url = $native_opt->{'search_url'} . "?" . $native_opt->{'search_args'};
$native_url = $default_native_url if (!$native_url);
## Change behaviour depending on 'search_how'
my $how = $self->{'search_how'};
if (defined $how) {
if ($how =~ /any/) {
## change separator to or, or add it..
$native_url =~ s/separator=[^&]+/separator=or/ig;
if ($native_url !~ /separator=/) {
$native_url .= "&separator=or";
} elsif ($how =~ /all/) {
## change separator to and, or add it..
$native_url =~ s/separator=[^&]+/separator=and/ig;
if ($native_url !~ /separator=/) {
$native_url .= "&separator=and";
} elsif ($how =~ /phrase/) {
## change separator to adj, or add it..
$native_url =~ s/separator=[^&]+/separator=adj/ig;
if ($native_url !~ /separator=/) {
$native_url .= "&separator=adj";
} elsif ($how =~ /boolean/) {
## Get rid of the separator
$native_url =~ s/separator=[^&]+//ig;
$native_url =~ s/%s/$native_query/g; # Substitute search terms...
$self->{_next_to_retrieve} = 0;
$self->{_base_url} = $self->{_next_url} = $native_url;
# private
sub native_retrieve_some
my ($self) = @_;
my ($hit) = ();
my ($hits_found) = 0;
# fast exit if already done
return undef if (!defined($self->{_next_url}));
# get some
print $self->{_next_url} . "\n" if ($debug);
my $method = $self->{'search_method'};
$method = 'POST' unless $method;
my($response) = $self->http_request($method, $self->{_next_url});
if (!$response->is_success) {
print "Some problem\n" if ($debug);
return undef;
print "Got something...\n" if ($debug);
# parse the output
my $score = 800;
my $results = $response->content();
#print "$results" if ($debug);
if (!$results) {
my (@lines) = $self->split_lines($results);
my ($docs_found);
my ($score_ratio) = 0;
while ($#lines > -1) {
$_ = shift(@lines);
s,\s+, ,g;
if (m,(\d+) documents found,) {
$docs_found = $1;
} elsif (m,^\s*(\d+) <A HREF=\"([^\"]+)\">(.*)</A>.*\s(\d+).*$,) {
if (($1 > 0) && ($score_ratio == 0)) {
if ($1 > 900) {
$score_ratio = 1000/$1;
} else {
$score_ratio = (1000/$1) * .9;
#print "Make abs, " . $self->{_next_url} . "\n for $2\n";
my($linkobj) = new URI::URL $2, $self->{_next_url};
my($hit) = new WWW::SearchResult;
#print "Found a link $1, $2, $3, $4\n";
$hit->score($1 * $score_ratio);
push(@{$self->{cache}}, $hit);
$self->{_next_url} = undef;
my($h) = new HTML::TreeBuilder;
for (@{ $h->extract_links(qw(a)) }) {
my($link, $linkelem) = @$_;
if (($linkelem->parent->starttag() =~ /<P>/) &&
($linkelem->parent->endtag() =~ m,</P>,)) {
my($linkobj) = new URI::URL $link, $self->{_next_url};
my($hit) = new WWW::SearchResult;
$hit->title(join(' ',@{$linkelem->content}));
push(@{$self->{cache}}, $hit);
#$srchitem{'origin'} = $self->{'myurl'};
#$srchitem{'index'} = $self->{'index'};
$score = int ($score * .95);
$self->{_next_url} = undef;