NAME - Infering qualkity parameter form a BAM file.
Tutorial how to use Bio::ViennaNGS::BamStat and Bio::ViennaNGS::BamStatSummary to retrieve quality and quantitiy statistics from input BAM file.
Include libraries
use Data::Dumper;
use Bio::ViennaNGS::BamStat;
use Bio::ViennaNGS::BamStatSummary;
For easy access to complex data structure.
Extracts quality and quantity paramters from an input BAM file.
Sumarizes, compares and plots data compiled by Bio::ViennaNGS::BamStat.
Define control variables
@bams = qw# C1R2.bam #;
$odir = '.';
$rlibpath = '/usr/bin/R';
$edit_control = 1;
$segemehl_control = 1;
Array with all BAM files, including their path, to be processed. In the course of this tutorial please retrieve the C1R1.bam file from xxxxxx and store it in the current working directory. Other inputs will not be accepted.
Path to the directory where the output files will be created. If files with same names do already exist in this particular directory, they will be overwritten.
Path to the installation of R.
Control flag. Set to 1 if a statistics of the edit distance of each read should be reported. Otherwise set to 0;
Control flag. Set to 1 if the input BAM file was produced by the short read mapper segemehl. Takes care of segemehl specific BAM dialect issues. Otherwise set to 0;
Creating new BamStatSummary object.
$bamsummary = Bio::ViennaNGS::BamStatSummary->new(files => \@bams,
outpath => $odir,
rlib => $rlibpath,
is_segemehl => 1,
control_edit => 1,
Initialize new BamStatSummary object representing data from all segemehl BAM files in @bams, setting the output directory to $odir, where beside standard read quantification also the edit distance of each read will be reported.
Read-in BAM files @bams
Processes each BAM file in @bams and compiles the relevant data into $bamsummary.
Thereby, for each BAM file in @bams the method new from BIO::ViennaNGS::BamStat is called like this
$bo = Bio::ViennaNGS::BamStat->new(bam => $bamfile);
Use print Dumper($bamsummary);
to check the object.
Quantify data from $bamsummary
Compiles quantitative information for all reads stored in $bamsummary.
Use print Dumper($bamsummary);
to check the object.
Produce output for read quantification.
Create file for the read quantification in $odir. File formate is *.csv.
Plot read quantification.
Create a barplot for the read quantification in $odir. File formate is *.pdf.
Plot edit distance distribution.
Create a boxplot of the distribution of edit distances for all reads and all samples in @bams.
$bamsummary->make_BoxPlot("data_edit") if($bamsummary->control_edit && $bamsummary->has_control_edit);
Fabian Amman <>