NAME - An example pipeline for the ViennaNGS toolbox


perl path/to/R/libraries
Where path/to/R/libraries should point to the directory containing ggplot2


This script is a showcase for using Bio::ViennaNGS components with a real-world NGS example.

We start from a file containing highly-expressed human protein-coding genes, retrieved from the GENCODE project. We are insterested in finding sequence motifs in close proximity to the gene start (50nt upstream, 10nt into the gene) to identify regulatory regions.


For running this tutorial on your local machine you will need a recent version of bedtools as well as the following input files (which can be downloaded here):

OPTIONAL: Example_pipeline_meme.xml


The first step is to initialize some variables and generate a chromosome_sizes hash.

my $bed	 = 'hg19_highlyexpressed.bed';
my $name     = (split(/\./,$bed))[0];
my $upstream = 50;
my $into     = 10;
my $outfile  = "$name.ext$upstream\_fromStart_$into\_downstream.bed";
my $outfilebn  = "$name.ext$upstream\_fromStart_$into\_downstream";
my $outfilebed  = $outfilebn.".bed";
my %sizes = %{fetch_chrom_sizes('hg19')};

Generate a Bio::ViennaNGS::FeatureChain object

The bed file of interest is parsed, a feature array is generated and passed on to Bio::ViennaNGS::FeatureChain, which creates a new Moose Object of type FeatureChain, containing the original bed entries

my @featurelist = @{parse_bed6($bed)};

Now we create a Bio::ViennaNGS::FeatureChain from the Bed extracted featurelist above

my $chain = Bio::ViennaNGS::FeatureChain->new('type'=>'original','chain'=>\@featurelist);

Extend the existing chain for motif analysis

The newly created FeatureChain object will now be extended 50nt upstream of the gene start and 10nt into the gene, to retrieve a bed file which contains the putative sequence motifs.

my $extended_chain = extend_chain(\%sizes,$chain,0,$into,$upstream,0);

Extended chains are now print out to make them available for external tools like bedtools.

open (my $Out, ">",$outfilebed) or die "$!";
my $out = $extended_chain->print_chain();
print $Out $out;
close ($Out);

Summary of so far used methods


Returns a chromosome-sizes hash reference for the specified species, e.g. hg19, mm9, mm10, etc.


Reads a bed6 file and returns a feature array.


Generates a new Bio::ViennaNGS::FeatureChain object from a feature array


Extends a Bio::ViennaNGS::FeatureChain object by given constraints

Sequence analysis

We now generate FASTA files from the extended bed files using bedtools getfasta method.
 my $hg19fa    = "hg19_chromchecked.fa";
 my $outfilefa = $outfilebn.".fa";
 my $bedtools = `bedtools getfasta -s -fi $hg19fa -bed $outfile -fo $outfilefa`;
 print STDERR "$bedtools\n" if $?;

To analyze putative sequence motifs in the newly generated Fasta files, we use two approaches. First we analyze the k-mer content with the Bio::ViennaNGS(kmer_enrichment) method for k-mers of length 6 to 8 nt.

open(IN,"<",$outfilefa) || die ("Could not open $outfilefa!\n@!\n");

my @fastaseqs;
  chomp (my $raw = $_);
  next if ($_ =~ /^>/);
  push @fastaseqs, $raw;

for (6..8){
  my %kmer = %{kmer_enrichment(\@fastaseqs, $_)};
  my $total = sum values %kmer;
  ### Print Output
  open(KMER,">","$_\_mers") or die "Could not open file $_\_mers$!\n";
  print KMER "$_\-mer\tCount\tRatio\n";
  print KMER "TOTAL\t$total\t1\n";
  foreach my $key  (sort {$kmer{$b} <=> $kmer{$a} } keys %kmer) {
    my $ratio = nearest(.0001,$kmer{$key}/$total);
    print KMER "$key\t$kmer{$key}\t$ratio\n";


In a second approach we run MEME to retrieve the 20 most over-represented motifs of length 8. This can either be done using the MEME command line tool or web-service, or for convenience by simply downloading the output meme.xml file from here

meme hg19_highexpressed.ext50_fromStart_10_downstream.fa -oc MEME_hg19_highexpressed.ext50_fromStart_10_downstream.fa -w 8 -dna -nmotifs 20

Once the meme run is done, we want to have a nice figure which shows the e-value and site coverage of the top 10 motifs to see how the most over-represented motif identified by MEME compares to other motifs in terms of site coverage.

my $cmd = "perl -f Example_Pipeline_meme.xml -r $RLIBPATH -t Example_Pipeline";
my( $success, $error_message, $full_buf, $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf ) = run(command => $cmd, verbose => 0);

  my $this_function = (caller(0))[3];
  print STDERR "ERROR: run unsuccessful\n";
  print join "", @$full_buf;
  unless ($r) {
    warn "If you do not provide a valid R-lib-path and ggplot is not found in the standard R path, this pipeline will not be able to parse the MEME xml output.\n";
    pod2usage(-verbose => 0);

Once the run was successful, one can have a look at the generated .eps file to see that the most over-represented motif is not the one found on most sites. However it can easily be identified as TATA-box looking at its regular-expression.


Joerg Fallmann <>