- added 'find' function to Class::Maker::Reflection
find (Returns a snapshot-aref to all instances (objects) of a class in a given package)
0.05_06 21.07.2002 00:35
- class field 'default' is working now
isa => [qw( Something )],
public =>
string => [qw( name desc )],
default =>
name => 'Role Name',
desc => 'Role Descrition',
my $role = Human::Role->new( );
Even we called an empty 'new' we got
$role->name eq 'Role Name'
$role->desc eq 'Role Description'
Something->xxx( 'DEFAULTS TO XXX' ) is called
which may be an accessor or a function/method that does anything.
- Class::Maker::Reflection::reflect() now returns all reflections of the
@ISA classes as a href. This will be a ie. "Class::Maker::Reflex" object in future.
Also it better sync's the ->{isa} class fields with the real @ISA.
Additionally non Class::Maker classes can be introspected, so they will have at least information
in the 'isa' and 'methods' fields.
package Human::Role::Simple;
@ISA = qw(Human::Role);
sub new : method
my $this = shift;
return $this->SUPER::new( name => $_[0] );
$reflex =
'Human::Role::Simple' =>
'isa' => [ 'Human::Role' ],
'methods' => [ 'new' ].
0.05_09 27.07.2002 10:40
- attribute handlers (accessors) are now in "Class::Maker::Basic::Handler::Attributes". Therefore
if new accessors types are into that package (see _make_method in
- 'attribute' field is now obsolete ! Now only private/public/protected are allowed.
0.05_10 01.09.2002 16:14
- Class::Maker::Basic::Constructor new() supports cloning (use args for clone modification).
$new_obj = Pkg::Name->new( name => 'name', email => '' );
$clone_obj = $new_obj->new( name => 'othername' );
0.05_12 29.9.2002 18:53
- Added explicitly
use attributes;
to because under perl5.8.0 it seems to be needed.
- Class::Maker::Exception added. See pod.
* package Class::Maker::Basic::Handler::Attributes
-- now handlers are using "Delegation" to methods
- get()
- set()
- init() called from 'new' (or 'default' field) constructor
- reset()
This now eases the interception via hooks and also makes things more transparent.
Example exploit of that:
use Hook::Heckle;
foreach my $method ( qw(max text) )
Hook::Heckle->new( victim => $method, post => sub { my $this = shift; print "Model is informing observers of '$method' change\n" and $_[0]->notify_observers( 'update', $method ) if $_[1]; @_ }, sub { @_ } );
* class->_arginit (if exists) is called before anything with @_ happens to the constructor ('new').
-- it received \@_ and should do changes in place.
* Bug in lvalue attribute handler (default) fixed
because C<return $val; this doesn't work, don't say "return">