Changes for version 0.05_02
- compilation failed on Class::Maker::Example::* classes fixed.
Changes for version 0.05_01
- changed the usage of Class::Maker::Fields::_make_method()
- now supporting '<attr>' syntax in the attribute section for making these attribute fields private (Inspired by Terrence Brannon). Example:
- attributes => { scalar => [qw(name address <internal> age)],
- array => [qw(friends <pattri> visits)],
- }
- Result: 'internal' and 'pattri' are privat (as if the were written into an private => { } attribute section. Also the reflection is modified after this.
- TODO: the brackets should include multiple attribute values, like qw(one <two three four> five) , should make two, three, four private. This bracket-private feature should work only in public and attributes fields.
classes, reflection, schema, serialization, attribute- and multiple inheritance
object for authentications
Observes/Inspects other objects if they fullfil a list of tests
class for exirable objects
Perl extension for blah blah blah
methodcall dispatcher/forwarder
An persistance storage specialized on objects
classes, reflection, schema, serialization, attribute inheritance and multiple inheritance
in Maker/Examples/
in Maker/Examples/
in Maker/Basic/
in Maker/Basic/
in Maker/Basic/Handler/
in Maker/Basic/
in Maker/Basic/
in Maker/Basic/
in Maker/Basic/
in Maker/Examples/
in Maker/Examples/
in Maker/Examples/
in Maker/Examples/
in Maker/Examples/
in Maker/Examples/
in Maker/Examples/
in Maker/Examples/