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IO::Event - Tied Filehandles for Nonblocking IO with Object Callbacks
IO::Event provides a object-based callback system for handling nonblocking IO. The design goal is to provide a system that just does the right thing w/o the user needing to think about it much.
All APIs are kept as simple as possible yet at the same time, all functionality is accesible if needed. Simple things are easy. Hard things are possible.
Most of the time file handling syntax will work fine: <$filehandle>
and print $filehandle 'stuff'
After initial setup, call Event::loop()
. The callbacks are dispatched through Event.
- IO::Event->new($filehandle, $handler)
The basic
constructor takes a filehandle and returns a psuedo-filehandle. Treat the IO::Event object as a filehandle. Do not use the original filehandle without good reason (let us know if you find a good reason so we can fix the problem).The handler is the class or object where you provide callback functions to handle IO events. It defaults to the package of the calling context.
- IO::Event::Socket::INET->new( [ARGS] )
This constructor uses IO::Socket::INET->new() to create a socket using the ARGS provided. It returns an IO::Event object.
The handler defaults as above or can be set with an additional pseudo-parameter for IO::Socket::UNIX->new():
. A description for the socket can be provided with an additional psuedo-parameter:Description
. - IO::Event::Socket::UNIX->new( [ARGS] )
This constructor uses IO::Socket::UNIX->new() to create a socket using the ARGS provided. It returns an IO::Event object.
The handler defaults as above or can be set with an additional pseudo-parameter for IO::Socket::UNIX->new():
. A description for the socket can be provided with an additional psuedo-parameter:Description
These handler methods must be available in the handler object/class if the situation in which they would be called arises.
- ie_input($handler, $ioe, $input_buffer_reference)
Invoked when there is fresh data in the input buffer. The input can be retreived via directly reading it from
or viaread()
from the $ioe filehandle, or by using a variety of standard methods for getting data:<$ioe> like IO::Handle $ioe->get() like Data::LineBuffer $ioe->read() like IO::Handle $ioe->sysread() like IO::Handle $ioe->getline() like IO::Handle $ioe->getlines() like IO::Handle $ioe->getsome() see below $ioe->ungets() like FileHandle::Unget
At end-of-file, ie_input will only be invoked once. There may or may not be data in the input buffer.
- ie_connection($handler, $ioe)
Invoked when a listen()ing socket is ready to accept(). It should call accept:
sub ie_connection { my ($ioe) = @_; my $newfh = $ioe->accept() }
- ie_read_ready($handler, $underlying_file_handle)
If autoreading is turned off then this will be invoked.
- ie_werror($handler, $output_buffer_reference)
A write error has occured when trying to drain the write buffer. Provide an empty subroutine if you don't care.
These handler methods will be called if they are defined but it is not required that they be defined.
- ie_eof($handler, $ioe, $input_buffer_reference)
This is invoked when the read-side of the filehandle has been closed by its source.
- ie_output
This is invoked when data has just been written to the underlying filehandle.
- ie_outputdone
This is invoked when all pending data has just been written to the underlying filehandle.
- ie_connected
This is invoked when a
completes. - ie_connect_timeout
This is invoked when a
attempt times out. - ie_died($handler, $ioe, $method, $@)
If another handler calls
then ie_died will be called with the IO::Event object, the name of the method just invoked, and the die string. If no ie_died() callback exists then execution will terminate. - ie_timer
This is invoked for timer events. These will only arise if set using thing underlying Event object.
- ie_exception
Invoked when an exceptional condition arises on the underlying filehandle
- ie_outputoverflow($handler, $ioe, $overflowing, $output_buffer_reference)
Invoked when there is too much output data and the output buffers are overflowing. You can take some action to generate less output. This will be invoked exactly once (with $overflowing == 1) when there is too much data in the buffer and then exactly once again (with $overflowing == 0) when there is no longer too much data in the buffer.
In addition to methods described in detail below, the following methods behave like their IO
(mostly IO::Socket
) counterparts (except for being mostly non-blocking...):
Through AUTOLOAD (see the SUBSTITUTED METHODS section) methods are passed to underlying Event
and many more...
Through AUTOLOAD (see the SUBSTITUTED METHODS section) methods are passed to underlying IO
and many more...
IO::Event defines its own methods too:
- ->accept($handler)
accept() is nearly identical to the normal IO::Socket::accept() method except that instead of optionally passing a class specifier for the new socket, you optionally pass a handler object or class. The returned filehandle is an IO::Event object.
- ->can_read($amount)
Returns true if
bytes worth of input is available for reading. Note: this does not return true at EOF so be careful not to hang forever at EOF. - ->getsome($amount)
bytes worth of input or undef if the request can't be filled. Returns what it can at EOF. - ->get()
get() is like getline() except that it pre-chomp()s the results and assumes the input_record_separator is "\n". This is like get() from Data::LineBuffer.
- ->unget()
Push chomp()ed lines back into the input buffer. This is like unget() from Data::LineBuffer.
- ->ungetline(), ->xungetc(), ->ungets()
This is what ungetc() should be: it pushes a string back into the input buffer. This is unlike IO::Handle->ungetc which takes an ordinal and pushes one character back into the the input buffer.
- ->handler($new_handler)
Sets the handler object/class if $new_handler is provided. Returns the old handler.
- ->filehandle()
Returns the underlying
. - ->event()
Returns the underling
. - ->listener($listening)
Used to note that a filehandle is being used to listen for connections (instead of receiving data). A passed parameter of 0 does the opposite. Returns the old value. This is mostly used internally in IO::Event.
- ->input_record_separator($new_sep)
IO::Handle doesn't allow input_record_separator's on a per filehandle basis. IO::Event does. If you don't ever set a filehandle's input record separator, then it contineously defaults to the current value of
. If you set it, then it will use your value and never look at$/
again. - ->readevents($readevents)
Get/set listening for read-ready events on the underlying filehandle. This could be used by ie_outputoverflow to control input flows.
- ->output_bufsize($output_bufsize)
Get/set the size of the output buffer.
- ->autoread($autoread)
Get/set automatic reading if data when data can be read. Without autoread turned on, the input buffer ins't filled and none of the read methods will work. The point of this is for working with non-data filehandles. This is an experts-only method that kinda defeats the purpose of this module. This would be necessary using recv() to get data.
- ->drain()
Used to start looking for write-ready events on the underlying filehandle. In normal operation this is handled automatically.
- ->reentrant($reentrant)
Get/set reentrant callbacks. By default, IO::Event avoids making reentrant callbacks. This is good because your code is less likely to break. This is bad because you won't learn about things right away. For example, you will not learn the the output buffer is overflowing during print(). You'll have to wait for the output buffer to begin draining to find out. This could be a problem.
- ->close()
If there is output buffered, close will be delayed until the output buffer drains.
- ->forceclose
Close close immediately, even if there is output buffered.
Any method invocations that fail because the method isn't defined in IO::Event will by tried twice more: once using trying for a method on the inner (hidden) filehandle and once more trying for a method on the Event object that's used to create the select loop for this module.
# This is a tcp line echo server
my $listener = IO::Event::Socket::INET->new(
Listen => 10,
Proto => 'tcp',
LocalPort => 2821,
sub ie_connection
my ($pkg, $lstnr) = @_;
my $client = $lstnr->accept();
printf "accepted connection from %s:%s\n",
$client->peerhost, $client->peerport;
sub ie_input
my ($pkg, $client, $ibufref) = @_;
print $client <$client>;
sysread() is incompatable with eof() because eof() uses getc(). Most of the time this isn't a problem. In other words, some of the time this is a problem: lines go missing.
For this reason, IO::Event never uses sysread(). In fact, if you ask it to do a sysread() it does a read() for you instead.
On the other hand, at the current time no problems with syswrite have come to light and IO::Event uses syswrite and never any other form of write/print etc.
The filehandle object itself is a funny kind of hash reference. If you want to use it to store your own data, you can. Please don't use hash keys that begin ie_
or io_
as those are the prefixes used by IO::Event
and IO::Socket
The syntax is kinda funny:
The following perl modules do something that is kinda similar to what is being done here:
The API borrows most heavily from IO::Multiplex. IO::Event uses Event.pm and thus can be used in programs that are already using Event or POE.
This code is still greenish. The test suite only covers 40% of the code.
Nothing sane is done with excptional conditions. What causes them anyway?
Copyright (C) 2002-2004 David Muir Sharnoff <muir@idiom.com>. This module may be used/copied/etc on the same terms as Perl itself.