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# Copyright(C) 2006 David Muir Sharnoff <>
use strict;
use Carp;
require Exporter;
our $VERSION = 0.3;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(sendmail);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw($mail_error make_message @to_rejected @mail_hostlist @mail_command);
our $mail_error;
our @to_rejected;
our @mail_hostlist;
our @mail_command;
@mail_hostlist = qw(
unless @mail_hostlist;
@mail_command = qw(/usr/sbin/sendmail -oeml -i)
unless @mail_command;
# sendmail(
# From => 'Account Signup Form',
# from => 'root@myhost',
# to => 'support@myhost',
# subject => "Account Signup: $d{owner} <$d{login}>",
# body => $x,
sub Daemon::Generic::Sendmail::T::TIEHASH { my $p = shift; return bless shift, $p; }
sub Daemon::Generic::Sendmail::T::FETCH { my $f = shift; return &$f(shift) }
tie our %jointo, 'Daemon::Generic::Sendmail::T', sub {
my $to = shift;
return join(', ', @$to) if ref($to);
return $to;
sub splitto
my $to = shift;
return @$to if ref $to;
return () unless $to;
$to =~ s/".*?"//;
$to =~ s/[^<>,]*<(.*?)>[^<>,]/$1/g;
return split(',',$to);
sub make_message
my (%options) = @_;
my $from = $options{from} || $options{envelope_from};
$from = qq{"$options{From}" <$from>}
if $options{From};
my $message = '';
if ($options{build_header} ||
! ($options{header}
|| $options{message}
|| (defined($options{build_header}) && ! $options{build_header})))
$message .= "From: $from\n" if $from;
$message .= "To: $jointo{$options{to}}\n" if $options{to};
$message .= "Subject: $options{subject}\n" if $options{subject};
$message .= "Cc: $jointo{$options{cc}}\n" if $options{cc};
$message .= $options{xheader} if $options{xheader};
if ($options{message}) {
$message .= $options{message} if $options{message};
} else {
$message .= $options{header} if $options{header};
$message .= $options{body} if $options{body};
my @to = splitto($options{envelope_to}) || (splitto($options{to}), splitto($options{cc}));
push(@to, splitto($options{bcc}));
return ($from, $message, @to);
sub sendmail
my (%options) = @_;
@to_rejected = ();
my @hostlist = $options{hostlist}
? splitto($options{hostlist})
: @mail_hostlist;
croak "no 'from' set" unless $options{from};
my ($from, $message, @to) = make_message(%options);
my $debuglog = $options{debuglogger} || sub { print STDERR "@_\n" };
my $errorlog = $options{errorlogger} || sub { print STDERR "@_\n" };
@hostlist = () unless @to;
my $smtpfrom = $options{envelope_from} || $options{from};
for my $host (@hostlist) {
my @rejects;
my $smtp;
unless (($smtp = new Net::SMTP $host)) {
error("Could not establish SMTP connection to $host", $errorlog);
unless ($smtp->mail($smtpfrom)) {
error("MAIL FROM: $smtpfrom - rejected", $errorlog);
for my $t (@to) {
unless ($smtp->to($t)) {
if ($options{no_rejects} || @to == 1) {
error("RCPT TO: $t - rejected", $errorlog);
next HOST;
} else {
push(@rejects, $t);
unless ($smtp->data()) {
error("SMTP DATA - failed", $errorlog);
unless ($smtp->datasend($message)) {
error("datasend() failed", $errorlog);
unless ($smtp->dataend()) {
error("dataend() failed", $errorlog);
if (@rejects) {
@to_rejected = @rejects;
&$debuglog("Mail from $smtpfrom to @rejects rejected, other mail accepted");
&$debuglog("Mail from $smtpfrom to @to injected via $host");
$mail_error = '';
return 1;
&$debuglog("Mail from $smtpfrom to @to, falling back to sendmail");
# sending via smtp failed, try the local sendmail instead
my @sm;
push(@sm, "-f$options{from}") if $options{from};
push(@sm, "-F$options{From}") if $options{From};
@to = ('-t') unless @to;
my @command = $options{mail_command}
? splitto($options{mail_commnd})
: @mail_command;
my $MAIL = new IO::Handle;
eval { open_to_child($MAIL, @command, @sm, @to) } or do {
error("Could not fork/exec child @command: $@", $errorlog);
return 0;
(print $MAIL $message) or do {
error("Could not write message to sendmail process: $!", $errorlog);
return 0;
close($MAIL) or do {
error("Could not close handle to sendmail process: $!", $errorlog);
return 0;
$mail_error = '';
return 1;
sub error
my ($error, $logger) = @_;
$mail_error = $error;
if ($logger) {
} else {
print STDERR "$error\n";