use Proc::JobQueue::DependencyQueue;
 use Object::Dependency;
 use Proc::JobQueue::DependencyTask;
 use Proc::JobQueue::DependencyJob;

 my $dependency_graph = Object::Dependency->new();

 my $job = Proc::JobQueue::DependencyJob->new($dependency_graph, $callback_func);

 my $task => Proc::JobQueue::DependencyTask->new(desc => $desc, func => $callback_func);


 my $queue = Proc::JobQueue::DependencyQueue->new(
	dependency_graph => $dependency_graph,
	hold_all => 1,




 IO::Event::unloop_all() if $queue->alldone;


This module is a sublcass of Proc::JobQueue. It combines a job queue with a a dependency graph, Object::Dependency.

The jobs that it runs are either full-fledged jobs, Proc::JobQueue::DependencyJob, or simple synchronous one-shot perl callbacks that execute as soon as their prerequisites are met: Proc::JobQueue::DependencyTask.

Generally, the way to use this is to generate your dependency graph, then create your job queue, then start some jobs.

It's expected that you'll use asynchronous I/O via IO::Event, but that is not required. If you're using IO::Event, it sets up a timer event to start more jobs. It also changes $Event::DIED to unloop.


In addition to the parameters supported by Proc::JobQueue, the following construction parameters are used:


This should be a Object::Dependency object.

In addition to the methods inherited from Proc::JobQueue, this module adds:


This marks the $job as complete and a new job can start in its place.


Copyright (C) 2007-2008 SearchMe, Inc. Copyright (C) 2008-2010 David Sharnoff. Copyright (C) 2011 Google, Inc. This package may be used and redistributed under the terms of either the Artistic 2.0 or LGPL 2.1 license.