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use strict;
our(@ISA) = qw(SyslogScan::Daemon::SpamDetector::BadAddr::Plugin);
our $msgcachesize = 3_000;
my %defaults = (
rx_extra => '.',
rx_month => '(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)',
rx_date => '',
logfile => '/var/log/mail.log',
debug => 0,
msgcachesize => sub {
my ($pkgself, $key, $value) = @_;
if (ref($pkgself)) {
$pkgself->{msgcachesize} = $value;
if ($pkgself->{msgcache}) {
my $t = tied(%{$pkgself->{msgcache}});
} else {
$msgcachesize = $value;
sub config_prefix { 'badsendmail_' }
sub parse_config_line { simple_config_line(\%defaults, @_); }
sub new
my $self = simple_new(\%defaults, @_);
$self->{msgcache} = {};
die if ref($self->{msgcachesize});
tie %{$self->{msgcache}}, 'Tie::Cache::LRU', $self->{msgcachesize} || $msgcachesize;
return $self;
our $Mon;
our $Date;
our $iprx;
sub preconfig
my $self = shift;
$self->{Mon} = qr/$self->{rx_month}/;
$self->{Date} = $self->{rx_date} ? qr/$self->{rx_date}/ : qr/$self->{Mon} [ 1-3][0-9] \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/;
$self->{Extra} = qr/$self->{rx_extra}/;
sub get_logs
my $self = shift;
my $Date = $self->{Date};
return (
$self->{logfile} => [
#1st Oct 31 09:44:04 idiom sm-mta[48031]: k9VHi04a048031: <>... User unknown
#2nd Oct 20 00:00:12 idiom sm-mta[16655]: k9K6xf1f016655: from=<>, size=771, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<46600514770495.39A8A178A2@SLDS5JHS>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=Daemon0, []
qr{^$Date (\S+) sm-mta\[\d+\]: (\w+): from=<(.*?)>, size=\d+, class=\d+, nrcpts=\d+, (msgid)=<(.*?)>, proto=\S+, daemon=\S+, relay=(\S+) \[([\d\.]{8,40})\]},
qr{^$Date (\S+) sm-mta\[\d+\]: (\w+): <(\S+?)>\.\.\. User (unknown)},
sub parse_logs
my ($self, $logfile, $rx) = @_;
my $debug = $self->{debug};
my $logline = $_;
my ($host, $qid, $fromto, $what, $id, $relayname, $relayip) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
print "Matched $logline\n" if $debug >= 3;
my $queueid = "$host/$qid";
if ($self->{Extra} && ! /$self->{Extra}/) {
# ignore
} elsif ($what eq 'unknown') {
push(@{$self->{msgcache}{$queueid}}, $fromto);
print "Unknown user: $queueid: $fromto\n" if $debug >= 2;
} elsif ($what eq 'msgid') {
for my $to (@{$self->{msgcache}{$queueid}}) {
print "Will report $queueid: $fromto -> $to from $relayip\n" if $debug;
id => $id,
ip => $relayip,
from => $fromto,
relayname => $relayname,
match => 'BadAddr::Sendmail',
to => $to,
host => $host,
delete $self->{msgcache}{$queueid};
} else {
warn "This should not happen";
=head1 NAME
SyslogScan::Daemon::SpamDetector::BadAddr::Sendmail - notice bad email addresses in sendmail log files
plugin SyslogScan::Daemon::SpamDetector as sd_
sd_plugin SyslogScan::Daemon::SpamDetector::BadAddr as bad_
bad_plugin SyslogScan::Daemon::SpamDetector::BadAddr::Sendmail
debug 1
logfile /var/log/
msgcachesize 3000
Read Sendmail logs and notice attempts to send to addresses that don't exist.
The following configuration parameters are supported:
=over 4
=item debug
Debugging on (1) or off (0).
=item logfile
Which logfile to watch (default: C</var/log/mail.log>).
=item msgcachesize
To do this mapping, multiple log lines must be matched. Partial
matches will be stored in a cache. This parameter sets the
size of the cache (default: 3000).
=head1 SEE ALSO
If you need high-speed internet services (T1, T3, OC3 etc), please
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you'll save money and get a great service.
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright(C) 2006 David Muir Sharnoff <>.
This module may be used and distributed on the same terms
as Perl itself.