Google::RestApi::SheetsApi4::RangeGroup::Tie::Iterator - An iterator for tied Ranges.
A RangeGroup::Tie::Iterator is used to iterate through a tied range group, returning a tied range group of cells, one group at a time.
See the description and synopsis at Google::RestApi::SheetsApi4.
- new(tied => <hashref>, %args);
Creates a new Iterator object for the given tied range group.
tied: A hashref tied to the RangeGroup::Tie object.
'args' are passed through to the parent RangeGroup::Iterator::new object's routine.
You would not normally call this directly, you'd use the RangeGroup::Tie::iterator method to create the iterator object for you.
- iterate();
Return the next group of tied cells in the iteration sequence.
Robin Murray
Copyright (c) 2019, Robin Murray. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.