Win32::InternetExplorer::Window - Perl extension for using OLE to create controlable InternetExplorer windows


use Win32::InternetExplorer::Window;
my $browser = Win32::InternetExplorer::Window->new(height => 210, 
                                                 width => 210,
                                                 pos => [10,0],
                                                 #no_popups => 1,
                                                 #start_hidden => 1


This module is for the creation of floating InternetExplorer windows with no tool bars. Also included is the control of that window.

As i get more work done, another name space will be added to allow embedding of IE rendering windows within Win32::GUI windows, i hope.


$object = PKG->new([height => $pixels],[width => $pixels],[pos => [$x,$y]],[no_popups => 1],[start_hidden => 1])

This function creates a new object. In addition to the height, width, position and popups, arguments can be supplied to the OLE object using by passing a hashref to the ole_args argument. Like PKG->new(ole_args => {Visable => 0})


display the given URL in the window. This method returns immediatly, and does not wait for the page to load. For a version that waits, see display_wait


Same as display(), except that it sleeps as long as the browser is in a busy status.

$status = $object->is_busy()

Returns 1 if the browser is in a busy state, 0 otherwise

$status = $object->is_closed()

Returns 1 if the browser window has been closed by the user, 0 if it still exists.

$url = $object->current_url()

Returns the current URL.


Stops loading of the current page when using $object->display(URL)


Refresh the display of the current page. Note that this returns immidiatly and does not wait for the page to load.


Same as refresh, except this function waits for the page to load before returning.


Returns the browser to it's home page. This function does not wait for the page to load.


same as Chome with the exception that this function waits until the page has loaded.


Move forward one page. This function does not wait for the page to finish loading.


same as forward, but does wait for page to finish loading.


Move back one page. This function does not wait for the page to finish loading.


same as backward, but does wait for page to finish loading.


EXPERIMENTAL: if a status bar is displayed (using ole_args => {StatusBar => 1} in the constuctor), this will set the text.




  • Add better interface for including window decorations.


MZSanford, <<gt>



5 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 234:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 276:

Deleting unknown formatting code V<>

Around line 300:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 306:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 310:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'