DVB::Epg - Generate MPEG-2 transport stream chunk containing DVB Event Information table.
This module allows generating of DVB EPG service by building EIT p/f and schedule tables. First some event information must be added to the system. A sqlite database for storage is used. Based on this event information the library builds the standardized EIT, which can then be export as a MPEG-2 Transport Stream/chunk for playout. The result of the whole process is an EIT inside a MTS.
use DVB::Epg;
my $myEpg = DVB::Epg->new( 'eitfile');
# create empty database
# add program to EIT for which to generate EPG
$myEpg->addEit( 18, 9019, 1024, 15, 8, 1);
# add dummy event data to database
my $event = {};
$event->{start} = time;
$event->{stop} = time+100;
$event->{uid} = 15;
$myEpg->addEvent( $event);
# generate EPG tables to database
$myEpg->updateEit( 18);
# export EIT as MTS from database
my $mts = $myEpg->getEit( 18);
The Library can handle multiple services and multiple tables.
new( $dbfile )
Class initialization with sqlite3 database filename. Open existing or create new sqlite database.
dbh( )
Return database handle for direct control.
initdb( )
Initialize database with some basic table structure;
addEvent( $event)
Add an $event to event table. $event must be reference to hash containing at least fields: $event->{start}, $event->{stop}, $event->{uid}
start, stop MUST be in EPOCH
Optional fields are: $event->{id}, $event->{running_status}, $event->{free_CA_mode} and $event->{descriptors}
Return event_key of inserted row.
listEvent( $uid, $event_id, $start, $stop, $touch)
List events with $uid in cronological order.
$event_id, $start, $stop, $touch are optional parameters. $event_id is used as selection filter. $start, $stop are used as interval specification. If $touch is defined only elements with timestamp newer than $touch are returned.
Return array of events.
deleteEvent( $uid, $event_id, $start_min, $start_max, $stop_min, $stop_max)
Delete events with $uid.
$event_id, $stop_min, $stop_max, $start_min and $start_max are optional parameters. $uid and $event_id are used as selection filter.
Delete events that have start in between $start_min, $start_max and stop in between $stop_min, $stop_max. Use only defined markers.
Return number of deleted events.
addEit( $pid, $service_id, $original_network_id, $transport_stream_id, $uid, $maxsegments, $actual, $comment)
Add eit generator rule. Maxsegments defines how far in the future the tables should be generated - each segment defines 3 hour period. All parameters must be defined.
Return 1 on success.
listEit( )
List eit generator rules.
Return reference to an array of arrays of rules.
listPid( )
List all destination pid defined in eit generator rules.
Return array of pids.
deleteEit( $pid, $service_id, $original_network_id, $transport_stream_id)
Delete eit generator rule. Parameters are optional.
Return number of deleted rules.
updateEit( $pid )
Use eit rules for updateing Eit sections of given $pid in database.
Return 1 on success. Return 0 if sections are already uptodate. Return undef on error;
updateEitPresent( $rule, $forced)
Update eit sections for given $rule. $rule is reference to hash containing keys: pid, service_id, original_network_id, transport_stream_id, service_id, maxsegments, actual
Update sections only if there are changes in event table of schedule since last update or the $forced flag is set to 1.
Return undef if failed. Return 0 if sections are already uptodate. Return 1 after updating sections.
updateEitSchedule( $rule)
Update eit playout packet for given $rule. $rule is reference to hash containing keys: pid, service_id, original_network_id, transport_stream_id, service_id, maxsegments, actual
getEit( $pid, $timeFrame)
Build final EIT from all sections in table for given $pid and $timeFrame.
Return the complete TS chunk to be played within the timeframe. Return undef on error.
getSectionFrequency( $table_id, $section_number, $timeFrame)
Make lookup by $table_id and $section_number and return how often this section has to be repeated in the given interval. Default $timeFrame is 30 seconds.
getLastError( )
Return last db operation error.
_packetize( $pid, $section)
Generate MPEG transport stream for defined $pid and $section in database. Continuity counter starts at 0; Return MTS.
_unfreezeEvent( $event)
$event is a reference to hash containing elements of a row in event table. Thaw the info field and update all other keys from field values.
Return reference to updated info hash.
CLASS EventInformationTable
new( $rule )
EIT subtable initialization with information taken from $rule.
add2Segment( $segment_number, $event)
Add $event to segment with number $segment_number. $event is reference to hash containin event data.
Return 1 on success. Return undef on error.
add2Section ( $section_number, $event)
Add $event to section with number $section_number. $event is reference to hash containin event data.
Return binary $size of all events in section (always < 4078) or undef if section is full or error.
getSections ()
Return reference to hash of sections with section_number as key and section as value.
_getDescriptorBin ( $descriptor)
Return binary representation of $descriptor.
_getByteString ( $string)
Convert $string containing only byte characters. This is for avoiding any problems with UTF8. Those string must be converted before entering data into database.
Return converted string.
_getExtendedEventDescriptorBin( $descriptor)
Return 1 or many Extended Event Descriptors
_int2bcd( $time)
Convert integer $time in seconds into 24 bit time BCD format (hour:minute:seconds).
_bcd2int( $bcd)
Convert time in 24 bit BCD format (hour:minute:seconds) in seconds from midnight;
_epoch2mjd( $time)
Convert epoch $time into 40 bit Modified Julian Date and time BCD format.
_mjd2epoch( $time)
Convert 40 bit Modified Julian Date and time BCD format into epoch.
Bojan Ramsak, <>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-dvb-epg at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc DVB::Epg
You can also look for information at:
Copyright 2012 Bojan Ramsak.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License v2.0
See for more information.