Test::NameNote - add notes to test names


Adds notes to test names in Test::Builder-based test scripts. Each Test::NameNote object encapsulates a singe note, which will be added to the names of all tests run while the object is in scope.

use Test::More tests => 10;
use Test::NameNote;

ok foo(), "foo true";
foreach my $foo (0, 1) {
    my $n1 = Test::NameNote->new("foo=$foo");
    foreach my $bar (0, 1) {
        my $n2 = Test::NameNote->new("bar=$bar");
        is thing($foo, $bar), "thing", "thing returns thing";
        is thang($foo, $bar), "thang", "thang returns thang";
ok bar(), "bar true";

# prints:
ok 1 - foo true
ok 2 - thing returns thing (foo=0,bar=0)
ok 3 - thang returns thang (foo=0,bar=0)
ok 4 - thing returns thing (foo=0,bar=1)
ok 5 - thang returns thang (foo=0,bar=1)
ok 6 - thing returns thing (foo=1,bar=0)
ok 7 - thang returns thang (foo=1,bar=0)
ok 8 - thing returns thing (foo=1,bar=1)
ok 9 - thang returns thang (foo=1,bar=1)
ok 10 - bar true


Nick Cleaton, <nick at cleaton dot net>


Copyright 2009 Nick Cleaton, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.