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#!/bin/perl -w
# Creates a zip file, adding the given directories and files.
# Usage:
# perl zip.pl zipfile.zip file [...]
use strict;
use Archive::Zip qw(:ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS);
die "usage: $0 zipfile.zip file [...]\n"
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2);
my $zipName = shift(@ARGV);
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
foreach my $memberName (map { glob } @ARGV)
if (-d $memberName )
warn "Can't add tree $memberName\n"
if $zip->addTree( $memberName, $memberName ) != AZ_OK;
$zip->addFile( $memberName )
or warn "Can't add file $memberName\n";
my $status = $zip->writeToFileNamed($zipName);
exit $status;