Constant::FromGlobal - declare constant(s) with value from global or environment variable
package Foo;
use Constant::FromGlobal qw(DEBUG);
sub foo {
# to enable debug, set $Foo::DEBUG=1 before loading Foo
warn "lalala" if DEBUG:
This module lets you define constants that either take their values from global variables, or from environment variables. The constants are function-style constants, like those created using the constant pragma.
Here's a minimal example showing how to set a constant from a global variable:
our $DEBUG;
$DEBUG = 1;
use Constant::FromGlobal qw/ DEBUG /;
You might wonder why you might want to do that? A better example is where a module sets a constant from a global variable in its package, but you can set that variable before using the module. First, here's the module:
package Foobar;
use Constant::FromGlobal LOGLEVEL => { default => 0 };
Then elsewhere you can write something like this:
$Foobar::LOGLEVEL = 3;
use Foobar;
Environment variables
By default Constant::FromGlobal
will only look at the relevant global variable. If you pass the env option, then it will also look for an appropriately named environment variable:
use Constant::FromGlobal DEBUG => { env => 1, default => 0 };
Note that you can also set a default value, which will be used if neither a global variable nor environment variable was found.
This routine takes an optional hash of options for all constants, followed by an option list (see Data::OptList) of constant names.
For example:
use Constant::FromGlobal { env => 1 }, "DSN", MAX_FOO => { int => 1, default => 3 };
is the same as
use Constant::FromGlobal DSN => { env => 1 }, MAX_FOO => { int => 1, default => 3, env => 1 };
which will define two constants, DSN
is a string and MAX_FOO
is an integer. Both will take their values from $Foo::DSN
if defined or $ENV{FOO_DSN}
as a fallback.
Note: if you define constants in the main namespace, version 0.01 of this module looked for environment variables prefixed with MAIN_
. From version 0.02 onwards, you don't need the MAIN_
There are three types you can specify for constants:
int - constains the constant to take an integer value. Will croak if a non-integer value is found.
num - constains the constant to take a numeric value. Will croak if a non-numeric value is found.
bool - coerces the constant to take a boolean value. Whatever value is found will be converted to a boolean value.
constant - core module for defining constants, and used by Constant::FromGlobal.
constant::lexical - very similar to the constant
pragma, but defines lexically-scoped constants.
Const::Fast - CPAN module for defining immutable variables (scalars, hashes, and arrays).
Adam's original post that inspired this module was on, and is no longer available online.
constant modules - A review of all perl modules for defining constants, by Neil Bowers.
This module was originally written by Yuval Kogman, inspired by a blog post by Adam Kennedy, describing the "Constant Global" pattern.
The module is now being maintained by Neil Bowers <>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.