Crypt::RandPasswd - random password generator based on FIPS-181
use Crypt::RandPasswd;
( $word, $hyphenated ) = Crypt::RandPasswd->word( $minlen, $maxlen );
$word = Crypt::RandPasswd->word( $minlen, $maxlen );
$word = Crypt::RandPasswd->letters( $minlen, $maxlen );
$word = Crypt::RandPasswd->chars( $minlen, $maxlen );
# override the defaults for these functions:
*Crypt::RandPasswd::rng = \&my_random_number_generator;
*Crypt::RandPasswd::restrict = \&my_restriction_filter;
Run as Script
perl Crypt/ -help
FIPS 181 - (APG), Automated Password Generator:
This code is a Perl language implementation of the Automated Password Generator standard, like the program described in "A Random Word Generator For Pronounceable Passwords" (not available on-line). This code is a re-engineering of the program contained in Appendix A of FIPS Publication 181, "Standard for Automated Password Generator". In accordance with the standard, the results obtained from this program are logically equivalent to those produced by the standard.
The function to generate a password can sometimes take an extremely long time.
Deviations From Standard
This implementation deviates in one critical way from the standard upon which it is based: the random number generator in this implementation does not use DES. Instead, it uses perl's built-in rand()
function, which in turn is (usually) built on the pseudo-random number generator functions of the underlying C library.
However, the random function can be replaced by the user if desired. (See "rng".)
word = word( minlen, maxlen );
( word, hyphenated_form ) = word( minlen, maxlen );
Generates a random word, as well as its hyphenated form. The length of the returned word will be between minlen and maxlen.
word = letters( minlen, maxlen );
Generates a string of random letters. The length of the returned word is between minlen and maxlen. Calls random_chars_in_range( 'a' => 'z' )
word = chars( minlen, maxlen );
Generates a string of random printable characters. The length of the returned word is between minlen and maxlen. Calls random_chars_in_range( '!' => '~' )
word = random_chars_in_range( minlen, maxlen, lo_char => hi_char );
Generates a string of printable characters. The length of the returned string is between minlen and maxlen. Each character is selected from the range of ASCII characters delimited by (lo_char,hi_char).
n = rand_int_in_range( min, max );
Returns an integer between min and max, inclusive. Calls rng
like so:
n = min + int( rng( max - min + 1 ) )
e = random_element( \@elts )
Selects a random element from an array, which is passed by ref.
r = rng( n );
is designed to have the same interface as the built-in rand
function. The default implementation here is a simple wrapper around rand
, which is typically a wrapper for some pseudo-random number function in the underlying C library.
The reason for having this simple wrapper is so the user can easily substitute a different random number generator if desired. Since many rng's have the same interface as rand
, replacing rng()
is as simple as
local $^W; # squelch sub redef warning.
*Crypt::RandPasswd::rng = \&my_rng;
See rand.
word = restrict( word );
A filter. Returns the arg unchanged if it is allowable; returns undef if not.
The default version of restrict()
allows everything. You may install a different form to implement other restrictions, by doing something like this:
local $^W; # squelch sub redef warning.
*Crypt::RandPasswd::restrict = \&my_filter;
This initializes the environment, which by default simply seeds the random number generator.
Generate next unit to password, making sure that it follows these rules:
1. Each syllable must contain exactly 1 or 2 consecutive vowels, where y is considered a vowel.
2. Syllable end is determined as follows:
a. Vowel is generated and previous unit is a consonant and syllable already has a vowel.
In this case, new syllable is started and already contains a vowel.
b. A pair determined to be a "break" pair is encountered.
In this case new syllable is started with second unit of this pair.
c. End of password is encountered.
d. "begin" pair is encountered legally. New syllable is started with this pair.
e. "end" pair is legally encountered. New syllable has nothing yet.
3. Try generating another unit if:
a. third consecutive vowel and not y.
b. "break" pair generated but no vowel yet in current or previous 2 units are "not_end".
c. "begin" pair generated but no vowel in syllable preceding begin pair,
or both previous 2 pairs are designated "not_end".
d. "end" pair generated but no vowel in current syllable or in "end" pair.
e. "not_begin" pair generated but new syllable must begin (because previous syllable ended as defined in 2 above).
f. vowel is generated and 2a is satisfied, but no syllable break is possible in previous 3 pairs.
g. Second and third units of syllable must begin, and first unit is "alternate_vowel".
AUTHOR (John Porter)
Now maintained by Neil Bowers <>
This perl module is free software; it may be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.