Revision history for Perl module Lingua::EN::Numbers::Years
1.04 2015-11-12 NEILB
- Merged PR from MANWAR, fixing a bad link in SEE ALSO
- The DESCRIPTION was referring to Lingua::EN::Number instead
of Lingua::EN::Numbers.
1.03 2015-10-27 NEILB
- Updated github repo URL after changing my github username
- Include a META.json in releases, and tag & push to github on release
1.02 2014-05-30
- Added "use warnings" and switched to use of 'our' rather than 'use vars'.
- Switched to Dist::Zilla
- Renamed ChangeLog as Changes, and reformatted as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
- Added github repo to pod
1.01_01 2014-05-16
- Developer release, had all changes listed in 1.02 above
1.01 2005-01-06 SBURKE
- First version released to CPAN