Changes for version 0.35_04 - 2015-10-14
- Sigh, forgot to update the min version of B::Utils in Makefile.PL Thanks to SREZIC for letting me know.
Changes for version 0.35_03 - 2015-10-13
- Removed File::Spec from t/lib/
- Set min required version of B::Utils to 0.27, as that release fixes the remaining failing tests.
- Hacked const_sv() to cope with the change in OP_METHOD_NAMED that happened at 5.21.5 (or possibly an earlier 5.21.*).
Changes for version 0.35_02 - 2015-06-15
- Sigh, forgot to add B::Utils to PREREQ_PM
Changes for version 0.35_01 - 2015-06-15
- Dropped B::BUtils in favour of using the standard B::Utils. subroutines_called() stopped working correctly for standard function calls, identifying them as calls via symbolic references. Fixed that.
- Dropped Build.PL
in lib/Module/
in lib/Module/
in lib/Module/