Changes for version 0.35_07 - 2015-10-19
- I had missed another instance of "the Windows cwd() issue" affecting t/n1_modules_required.t
Changes for version 0.35_06 - 2015-10-17
- Added "use strict" to both modules
- Made the pod coverage test a release test RT#90599
- Added MIN_PERL_VERSION to Makefile.PL
- Added a basic README
Changes for version 0.35_05 - 2015-10-16
- Had a single failure reported by CPAN Testers for Perl 5.22/Windows. On Windows, if you "use Cwd" and then call cwd(), then it does an implicit "use Win32". On recent perls (sometime after 5.20.1) this seems to get built into the op tree in a way that looks like the scope doing the cwd() use'd Win32. There are several magic functions in which will probably trigger this behaviour. I'll see how this change tests out, and possibly just document it for a non dev release.
Changes for version 0.35_04 - 2015-10-14
- Sigh, forgot to update the min version of B::Utils in Makefile.PL Thanks to SREZIC for letting me know.
Changes for version 0.35_03 - 2015-10-13
- Removed File::Spec from t/lib/
- Set min required version of B::Utils to 0.27, as that release fixes the remaining failing tests.
- Hacked const_sv() to cope with the change in OP_METHOD_NAMED that happened at 5.21.5 (or possibly an earlier 5.21.*).
Changes for version 0.35_02 - 2015-06-15
- Sigh, forgot to add B::Utils to PREREQ_PM
Changes for version 0.35_01 - 2015-06-15
- Dropped B::BUtils in favour of using the standard B::Utils. subroutines_called() stopped working correctly for standard function calls, identifying them as calls via symbolic references. Fixed that.
- Dropped Build.PL
in lib/Module/
in lib/Module/
in lib/Module/