cpan-upload - upload one or more files to CPAN, using PAUSE


cpan-upload [options] file1 .. fileN


cpan-upload is a script which automates the process of uploading a file to CPAN using PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload SErver. Before using this script you must register with PAUSE, to get a username and password.

If you are a regular uploader to PAUSE, you'll probably want to create a .pause configuration file. If not, you can probably just use the command-line options, as described below.

If everything went OK, you'll get a mail message from the PAUSE monitor.


-user <string>

Your PAUSE username which was registered with PAUSE.

-password <string>

The password for your PAUSE username.

-ftp_firewall <host>

Specifies the name of the host which has your ftp firewall gateway, if you're behind a firewall.

-http_proxy <URL>

Specifies the URL for a proxy to use when making HTTP requests.

-mailto <email>

Your email address, to include the HTTP request header. This is also used as the password for the ftp upload to PAUSE.


Displays a short help message.


Turns on verbose information as the script runs.


Turns on debugging information. Useful mainly for the developer, it displays the HTTP request and response.


Display the version number of the cpan-upload script.


You can provide the configuration information needed via a .pause file in your home directory. If you upload files at all regularly you will want to set up one of these.

user <username>

This is used to specify your PAUSE username. This just saves you from typing it every time you run the script.

password <password>

This is used to specify your PAUSE password.

ftp_firewall <HOST>

Specifies the hostname of your ftp gateway used to get through a firewall. For example:

ftp_proxy = ftp-gw
http_proxy <URL>

The URL for the proxy to use when making HTTP requests to the PAUSE web server. For example:

http_proxy = http://proxy/
mailto <EMAIL>

Specifies the email address which is passed in the header of the HTTP request, and as the password for the anonymous ftp upload. You must provide this.

The following is a sample .pause file:

# example .pause for user neilb
# the user is your registered PAUSE username
user NEILB
password thisisnotmyrealpassword

mailto        =
ftp_firewall  = ftp-gw
http_proxy    =

Note that your .pause must not be readable by others, since it can contain your PAUSE password. The b<cpan-upload> script refuses to run if your config file can be read by others.


Our web page about Canon Research Europe and Perl.


Andy Wardley's module for handling applicstion configuration variables, which can be set from the command-line and/or a config file.


Graham Barr's studly module for doing that crazy ftp thang.


The LWP distribution which provides the modules used by this script to talk to the PAUSE web server. You can get the latest version from:


$Id: cpan-upload,v 1.3 1998/04/02 09:46:30 neilb Exp $


Neil Bowers <>


Copyright (c) 1998 Canon Research Centre Europe. All rights reserved.

This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.