cpan-upload - upload one or more files to CPAN, using PAUSE
cpan-upload [options] file1 .. fileN
cpan-upload is a script which automates the process of uploading a file to CPAN using PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload SErver. Before using this script you must register with PAUSE, to get a username and password.
If you are a regular uploader to PAUSE, you'll probably want to create a .pause
configuration file. If not, you can probably just use the command-line options, as described below.
If everything went OK, you'll get a mail message from the PAUSE monitor.
- -user <string>
Your PAUSE username which was registered with PAUSE.
- -password <string>
The password for your PAUSE username.
- -ftp_firewall <host>
Specifies the name of the host which has your ftp firewall gateway, if you're behind a firewall.
- -http_proxy <URL>
Specifies the URL for a proxy to use when making HTTP requests.
- -mailto <email>
Your email address, to include the HTTP request header. This is also used as the password for the ftp upload to PAUSE.
- -help
Displays a short help message.
- -verbse
Turns on verbose information as the script runs.
- -debug
Turns on debugging information. Useful mainly for the developer, it displays the HTTP request and response.
- -version
Display the version number of the cpan-upload script.
You can provide the configuration information needed via a .pause file in your home directory. If you upload files at all regularly you will want to set up one of these.
- user <username>
This is used to specify your PAUSE username. This just saves you from typing it every time you run the script.
- password <password>
This is used to specify your PAUSE password.
- ftp_firewall <HOST>
Specifies the hostname of your ftp gateway used to get through a firewall. For example:
ftp_proxy = ftp-gw
- http_proxy <URL>
The URL for the proxy to use when making HTTP requests to the PAUSE web server. For example:
http_proxy = http://proxy/
- mailto <EMAIL>
Specifies the email address which is passed in the header of the HTTP request, and as the password for the anonymous ftp upload. You must provide this.
The following is a sample .pause file:
# example .pause for user neilb
# the user is your registered PAUSE username
user NEILB
password thisisnotmyrealpassword
mailto =
ftp_firewall = ftp-gw
http_proxy =
Note that your .pause must not be readable by others, since it can contain your PAUSE password. The b<cpan-upload> script refuses to run if your config file can be read by others.
Our web page about Canon Research Europe and Perl.
- App::Config
Andy Wardley's module for handling applicstion configuration variables, which can be set from the command-line and/or a config file.
- Net::FTP
Graham Barr's studly module for doing that crazy ftp thang.
- libwww-perl5
The LWP distribution which provides the modules used by this script to talk to the PAUSE web server. You can get the latest version from:
$Id: cpan-upload,v 1.3 1998/04/02 09:46:30 neilb Exp $
Neil Bowers <>
Copyright (c) 1998 Canon Research Centre Europe. All rights reserved.
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.