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=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Skinny::Manual::EN - DBIx::Skinny Manual (English)
Why I made DBIx::Skinny.
There are many OR mappers for Perl - L<Class::DBI>, L<DBIx::Class>, L<Data::ObjectDriver>, L<Data::Model>, L<Rose::DB::Object>, L<DBIx::DataModel>, etc.
The OR mappers listed here basically use OO methods based on SQL queries to assemble a database result.
Various objects are the result.
L<Class::DBI> and L<DBIx::Class> have been widely used. L<DBIx::Class> is an especially powerful OR mapper but also a bit heavyweight and somewhat slow.
=head2 Design Objectives
The main objectives of L<DBIx::Skinny> are:
=head3 Inflate when dealing with utf8 issues
=head3 Handle common OR operations
=head3 Intuitive select statements
=head3 Smaller code base.
=head1 Feedback