DBIx::Class::ResultDDL::V1 - Back-compat for version 0 of this module
version 2.00
This package provides the ":V1" API functions, for backward compatibility.
It is always best to upgrade your code to the latest API version, resolving any conflicts that might arise, but this provides stability for old code.
table 'foo';
# becomes...
col $name, @options;
# becomes...
__PACKAGE__->add_column($name, { is_nullable => 0, @merged_options });
Define a column. This calls add_column after sensibly merging all your options. It defaults the column to not-null for you, but you can override that by saying null
in your options. You will probably use many of the methods below to build the options for the column:
is_nullable => 1
is_auto_increment => 1, 'extra.auto_increment_type' => 'monotonic'
(The 'monotonic' bit is required to correctly deploy on SQLite. You can read the gory details but the short version is that SQLite gives you "fake" autoincrement by default, and you only get real ANSI-style autoincrement if you ask for it. SQL::Translator doesn't ask for the extra work by default, but if you're declaring columns by hand expecting it to be platform-neutral, then you probably want this. SQLite also requires data_type "integer", and for it to be the primary key.)
is_foreign_key => 1
# Call: Becomes:
default($value) default_value => $value
default(@value) default_value => [ @value ]
integer, tinyint, smallint, bigint, unsigned
integer data_type => 'integer', size => 11
integer($size) data_type => 'integer', size => $size
integer[] data_type => 'integer[]', size => 11
integer $size,[] data_type => 'integer[]', size => $size
# MySQL variants
tinyint data_type => 'tinyint', size => 4
smallint data_type => 'smallint', size => 6
bigint data_type => 'bigint', size => 22
# MySQL specific flag which can be combined with int types
unsigned extra => { unsigned => 1 }
numeric, decimal
numeric data_type => 'numeric'
numeric($p) data_type => 'numeric', size => [ $p ]
numeric($p,$s) data_type => 'numeric', size => [ $p, $s ]
numeric[] data_type => 'numeric[]'
numeric $p,$s,[] data_type => 'numeric[]', size => [ $p, $s ]
# Same API for decimal
decimal ... data_type => 'decimal' ...
money data_type => 'money'
money[] data_type => 'money[]'
real, float4, double, float8
real data_type => 'real'
rea[] data_type => 'real[]'
float4 data_type => 'float4'
float4[] data_type => 'float4[]'
double data_type => 'double precision'
double[] data_type => 'double precision[]'
float8 data_type => 'float8'
float8[] data_type => 'float8[]'
# Call: Becomes:
float data_type => 'float'
float($bits) data_type => 'float', size => $bits
float[] data_type => 'float[]'
float $bits,[] data_type => 'float[]', size => $bits
SQLServer and Postgres offer this, where $bits
is the number of bits of precision of the mantissa. Array notation is supported for Postgres.
char, nchar, bit
# Call: Becomes:
char data_type => 'char', size => 1
char($size) data_type => 'char', size => $size
char[] data_type => 'char[]', size => 1
char $size,[] data_type => 'char[]', size => $size
# Same API for the others
nchar ... data_type => 'nchar' ...
bit ... data_type => 'bit' ...
(SQL Server unicode char array) has an identical API but returns data_type => 'nchar'
Note that Postgres allows "bit"
to have a size, like char($size)
but SQL Server uses "bit"
only to represent a single bit.
varchar, nvarchar, binary, varbinary, varbit
varchar data_type => 'varchar'
varchar($size) data_type => 'varchar', size => $size
varchar(MAX) data_type => 'varchar', size => "MAX"
varchar[] data_type => 'varchar[]'
varchar $size,[] data_type => 'varchar[]', size => $size
# Same API for the others
nvarchar ... data_type => 'nvarchar' ...
binary ... data_type => 'binary' ...
varbinary ... data_type => 'varbinary' ...
varbit ... data_type => 'varbit' ...
Unlike char/varchar relation, binary
does not default the size to 1.
Constant for "MAX"
, used by SQL Server for varchar(MAX)
blob, tinyblob, mediumblob, longblob, bytea
blob data_type => 'blob',
blob($size) data_type => 'blob', size => $size
# MySQL specific variants:
tinyblob data_type => 'tinyblob', size => 0xFF
mediumblob data_type => 'mediumblob', size => 0xFFFFFF
longblob data_type => 'longblob', size => 0xFFFFFFFF
# Postgres blob type is 'bytea'
bytea data_type => 'bytea'
bytea[] data_type => 'bytea[]'
Note: For MySQL, you need to change the type according to '$size'. A MySQL blob is 2^16
max length, and probably none of your binary data would be that small. Consider mediumblob
or longblob
, or consider overriding My::Schema::sqlt_deploy_hook
to perform this conversion automatically according to which DBMS you are connected to.
For SQL Server, newer versions deprecate blob
in favor of VARCHAR(MAX)
. This is another detail you might take care of in sqlt_deploy_hook.
text, tinytext, mediumtext, longtext, ntext
text data_type => 'text',
text($size) data_type => 'text', size => $size
text[] data_type => 'text[]'
# MySQL specific variants:
tinytext data_type => 'tinytext', size => 0xFF
mediumtext data_type => 'mediumtext', size => 0xFFFFFF
longtext data_type => 'longtext', size => 0xFFFFFFFF
# SQL Server unicode variant:
ntext data_type => 'ntext', size => 0x3FFFFFFF
ntext($size) data_type => 'ntext', size => $size
See MySQL notes in blob
. For SQL Server, you might want ntext
or nvarchar(MAX)
instead. Postgres does not use a size, and allows arrays of this type.
Newer versions of SQL-Server prefer nvarchar(MAX)
instead of ntext
enum(@values) data_type => 'enum', extra => { list => [ @values ] }
This function cannot take pass-through arguments, since every argument is an enum value.
bool, boolean
bool data_type => 'boolean'
bool[] data_type => 'boolean[]'
boolean data_type => 'boolean'
boolean[] data_type => 'boolean[]'
Note that SQL Server doesn't support 'boolean', the closest being 'bit', though in postgres 'bit' is used for bitstrings.
date data_type => 'date'
date[] data_type => 'date[]'
datetime, timestamp
datetime data_type => 'datetime'
datetime($tz) data_type => 'datetime', time_zone => $tz
datetime[] data_type => 'datetime[]'
datetime $tz, [] data_type => 'datetime[]', time_zone => $tz
# Same API
timestamp ... data_type => 'timestamp', ...
array($type) data_type => $type.'[]'
array(@dbic_attrs) data_type => $type.'[]', @other_attrs
# i.e.
array numeric(10,3) data_type => 'numeric[]', size => [10,3]
Declares a postgres array type by appending "[]"
to a type name. The type name can be given as a single string, or as any sugar function that returns a data_type => $type
pair of elements.
uuid data_type => 'uuid'
uuid[] data_type => 'uuid[]'
json, jsonb
json data_type => 'json'
json[] data_type => 'json[]'
jsonb data_type => 'jsonb'
jsonb[] data_type => 'jsonb[]'
If -inflate_json
use-line option was given, this will additionally imply "inflate_json".
inflate_json serializer_class => 'JSON'
This first loads the DBIC component DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer into the current package if it wasn't added already. Note that that module is not a dependency of this one and needs to be installed separately.
Shortcut for __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(@cols)
unique($name?, \@cols)
Shortucut for __PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint($name? \@cols)
belongs_to $rel_name, $peer_class, $condition, @attr_list;
belongs_to $rel_name, { colname => "$ResultClass.$colname" }, @attr_list;
# becomes...
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to($rel_name, $peer_class, $condition, { @attr_list });
Note that the normal DBIC belongs_to requires conditions to be of the form
{ "foreign.$their_col" => "self.$my_col" }
but all these sugar functions allow it to be written the other way around, and use a Result Class name in place of "foreign.". The Result Class may be a fully qualified package name, or just the final component if it is in the same parent package namespace as the current package.
might_have $rel_name, $peer_class, $condition, @attr_list;
might_have $rel_name, { colname => "$ResultClass.$colname" }, @attr_list;
# becomes...
__PACKAGE__->might_have($rel_name, $peer_class, $condition, { @attr_list });
has_one $rel_name, $peer_class, $condition, @attr_list;
has_one $rel_name, { colname => "$ResultClass.$colname" }, @attr_list;
# becomes...
__PACKAGE__->has_one($rel_name, $peer_class, $condition, { @attr_list });
has_many $rel_name, $peer_class, $condition, @attr_list;
has_many $rel_name, { colname => "$ResultClass.$colname" }, @attr_list;
# becomes...
__PACKAGE__->has_many($rel_name, $peer_class, $condition, { @attr_list });
many_to_many $name => $rel_to_linktable, $rel_from_linktable;
# becomes...
Declares a single-record left-join relation without implying ownership. Note that the DBIC relations that do imply ownership like might_have
cause an implied deletion of the related row if you delete a row from this table that references it, even if your schema did not have a cascading foreign key. This DBIC feature is controlled by the cascading_delete
option, and using this sugar function to set up the relation defaults that feature to "off".
rel_one $rel_name, $peer_class, $condition, @attr_list;
rel_one $rel_name, { $mycol => "$ResultClass.$fcol", ... }, @attr_list;
# becomes...
$rel_name, $peer_class, { "foreign.$fcol" => "self.$mycol" },
join_type => 'LEFT',
accessor => 'single',
cascade_copy => 0,
cascade_delete => 0,
is_depends_on => $is_f_pk, # auto-detected, unless specified
($is_f_pk? fk_columns => { $mycol => 1 } : ()),
rel_many $name => { $my_col => "$class.$col", ... }, @options;
Same as "rel_one", but generates a one-to-many relation with a multi-accessor.
ddl_cascade; # same as ddl_cascade("CASCADE");
ddl_cascade(1); # same as ddl_cascade("CASCADE");
ddl_cascade(0); # same as ddl_cascade("RESTRICT");
Helper method to generate @options
for above. It generates
on_update => $mode, on_delete => $mode
This does not affect client-side cascade, and is only used by Schema::Loader to generate DDL for the foreign keys when the table is deployed.
dbic_cascade; # same as dbic_cascade(1)
Helper method to generate @options
for above. It generates
cascade_copy => $enabled, cascade_delete => $enabled
This re-enables the dbic-side cascading that was disabled by default in the rel_
view $view_name, $view_sql, %options;
Makes the current resultsource into a view. This is used instead of 'table'. Takes two options, 'is_virtual', to make this into a virtual view, and 'depends' to list tables this view depends on.
Is the equivalent of
DBIx::Class doesn't actually track the indexes or constraints on a table. If you want to add these to be automatically deployed with your schema, you need an sqlt_deploy_hook
function. This module can create one for you, but does not yet attempt to wrap one that you provide. (You can of course wrap the one generated by this module using a method modifier from Class::Method::Modifiers) The method sqlt_deploy_hook
is created in the current package the first time one of these functions are called. If it already exists and wasn't created by DBIx::Class::ResultDDL, it will throw an exception. The generated method does call maybe::next::method
for you.
This is a direct passthrough to the function "add_index" in SQL::Translator::Schema::Table, without any magic.
See notes above about the generated sqlt_deploy_hook
This is a direct passthrough to the function "add_constraint" in SQL::Translator::Schema::Table, without any magic.
See notes above about the generated sqlt_deploy_hook
create_index $index_name => \@fields, %options;
This is sugar for sqlt_add_index. It translates to
sqlt_add_index( name => $index_name, fields => \@fields, options => \%options, (type => ?) );
where the %options
are the "options" in SQL::Translator::Schema::Index, except if one of the keys is type
, then that key/value gets pulled out and used as "type" in SQL::Translator::Schema::Index.
Alias for "create_index"; lines up nicely with 'col'.
The methods above in most cases allow you to insert plain-old-DBIC notation where appropriate, instead of relying purely on sugar methods. If you are missing your favorite column flag or something, feel free to contribute a patch.
Thanks to Clippard Instrument Laboratory Inc. and Ellis, Partners in Management Solutions for supporting open source, including portions of this module.
Michael Conrad <>
This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Michael Conrad, IntelliTree Solutions llc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.