OpenGL::Sandbox::ResMan - Resource manager for OpenGL prototyping
version 0.100
my $r= OpenGL::Sandbox::ResMan->default_instance;
$r->path( $path );
my $tex= $r->tex('foo');
my $font= $r->font('default');
This object caches references to various OpenGL resources like textures and fonts. It is usually instantiated as a singleton from "default_instance" or from importing the $res
variable from OpenGL::Sandbox. It pulls resources from a directory of your choice. Where possible, files get memory-mapped directly into the library that uses them, which should keep the overhead of this library as low as possible.
Note that you need to install OpenGL::Sandbox::V1::FTGLFont in order to get font support, currently. Other font providers might be added later.
The path where resources are located, adhering to the basic layout of:
./tex/ # textures
./tex/default # file or symlink for default texture. Required.
./font/ # fonts compatible with libfreetype
./font/default # file or symlink for default font. Required.
./shader/ # GLSL shaders with extension '.glsl', '.frag', or '.vert'
./data/ # raw data to be loaded into Buffer Objects
You can override these implied sub-paths with the following attributes:
- texture_path
- tex_path
(alias for texture_path)
- shader_path
- data_path
- font_path
A plain string is interpreted as relative to path
; an absolute path or path beginning with "."
is used as-is. An empty string means it is identical to path
Each type of resource managed by this object can be pre-configured. Each config attribute is a hashref where the keys match the named of the created resources. Each config may also include a key '*'
which applies settings to every created resource.
The values of the config are usually hashrefs of constructor arguments that get shallow-merged with arguments you pass to new_*
, but may also be plain scalars indicating that this resource is an alias for some other name.
Several configurations also expect an entry for 'default', which gets returned on any request for a missing resource.
The namespace of each type of resource is independent.
- texture_config
Configuration for "new_tex", constructing OpenGL::Sandbox::Texture.
Example texture_config:
{ '*' => { wrap_s => GL_CLAMP, wrap_t => GL_CLAMP }, default => { filename => 'foo.png' }, # texture named "default" tile1 => { wrap_s => GL_REPEAT, wrap_t => GL_REPEAT }, blocky => { mag_filter => GL_NEAREST }, alias1 => 'tile1', }
Textures can also be implied by a file in the "tex_path" directory.
- tex_config
Alias for
- buffer_config
Configuration for "new_buffer", constructing OpenGL::Sandbox::Buffer.
{ '*' => { type => GL_VERTEX_ARRAY }, triangle_data => { data => pack('f*', 1,1, 2,1, 2,-1, ...) } }
Buffers can also be implied by a file in the "data_path" directory.
- vertex_array_config
Configuration for "new_vertex_array", constructing OpenGL::Sandbox::VertexArray.
{ my_triangles => { buffer => 'triangle_data', attributes => { pos => { size => 2, type => GL_FLOAT } } } }
Vertex Arrays must be configured; there is currently not a file format for them.
- vao_config
Alias for
- shader_config
Configuration for "new_shader", constructing OpenGL::Sandbox::Shader.
{ '*' => { type => GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER }, aurora => { filename => 'aurora.frag' }, vpassthrough => { filename => 'vertex-passthrough.vert', type => GL_VERTEX_SHADER }, }
Shaders are also implied by the presence of a file in the "shader_path" directory.
- program_config
Configuration for "new_program", constructing OpenGL::Sandbox::Program.
{ '*' => { shaders => { vertex => 'vpassthrough', fragment => 'aurora' } }, 'demo' => { attr => { ... }, shaders => { vertex => 'special_vshader' } }, }
Programs are also implied by the presence shaders of the same name prefix.
- font_config
Configures OpenGL::Sandbox::V1::FTGLFont. (distributed separately)
{ '*' => { face_size => 48 }, # default settings get applied to all configs 3d => { face_size => 64, type => 'FTExtrudeFont' }, default => { face_size => 32, filename => 'myfont1' }, # font named 'default' myfont2 => 'myfont1', # alias }
Fonts are also implied by the presence of a file in the "font_path" directory.
If you have texture files with the same base name and different extensions (such as original image formats and derived ".png" or ".rgb") this resolves which image file you want to load automatically for tex("basename")
. Default is to load ".bgr", else ".rgb", else ".png"
Standard Moo constructor.
Return a default instance which uses the current directory as "path".
texture, tex, load_texture, new_texture
my $tex= $res->tex( $name ); # handy alias
my $tex= $res->texture( $name );
my $tex= $res->load_texture( $name, %options );
Get a texture object. Textures can be configured, or implied by presence of image files in "tex_path", or both.
- texture
Return named texture, or load one with "load_texture".
method has a feature that if you request a non-existent texture, it will return the texture named 'default' rather than throwing an exception. This operates on the assumption that you'd rather see a big visual cue about which texute is missing than to have your program crash from an exception. You still get the exception if you don't have a texture named 'default'. - tex
Alias for
- load_texture
Load a texture, or throw an exception if there is no image file by that name.
It first checks for a file of no extension in "tex_path", which may be an image file, special "rgb" or "bgr" texture file, or symlink/hardlink to another file. Failing that, it checks for a file of that name with any file extension, and attempts to load them in whatever order they were returned.
- new_texture
Create a new texture object regardless of whether the filename exists. If the texture of this name was already created, it dies.
buffer, new_buffer
my $buffer= $res->buffer( $name );
my $buffer= $res->new_buffer( $name, %options );
Get a Buffer Object, either configured in buffer_config or loaded from data_path. Buffer objects require OpenGL version 2.0 or above.
- buffer
Return an existing buffer object, or create one from "buffer_config". If the
is not configured, this dies. - new_buffer
This creates a new buffer object by combining
with any (optional) configuration for this name in "buffer_config". This dies if$name
was already created.
vao, vertex_array, new_vao, new_vertex_array
my $vertex_array= $res->vao( $name );
my $vertex_array= $res->new_vao( $name, %options );
Return an existing or configured OpenGL::Sandbox::VertexArray. The configurations may reference Buffer objects by name, and these will be translated to the actual perl object with calls to "buffer" before constructing the vertex array.
- vao
- vertex_array
Return an existing VAO, or create one from "vao_config". If the
is not configured, this dies. - new_vao
- new_vertex_array
Create a new Vertex Array Object by combining
with any (optional) configuration for this name in "vao_config". This dies if$name
was already created.
shader, new_shader
my $shader= $res->shader( $name );
my $shader= $res->new_shader( $name, %options );
Returns a named shader. A $name
ending with .frag
or .vert
will imply the relevant GL shader type, unless you specifically passed it in %options
or configured it in "shader_config".
Shader and Program objects require OpenGL version 2.0 or above.
- shader
Return an existing or configured shader.
- new_shader
Create a new named shader from the options, including any configuration in "shader_config". The shader must not have previously been created.
program, new_program
my $prog= $res->program( $name );
my $prog= $res->new_program( $name, %options );
Return a named shader program. If the combined %options
and "program_config" do not specify shaders
, this will look through the shader/
directory for every shader that begins with this name. For example, if the directory contains:
Then this will augment the configuration with
shaders => { vert => 'foo.vert', frag => 'foo.frag' }
Shader and Program objects require OpenGL version 2.0 or above.
- program
Return a configured or existing or implied (by shader names) program object.
- new_program
Create and return a new named program, with the given constructor options, which get combined with any in "program_config".
$font= $res->font( $name );
Retrieve a named font, either confgured in font_config, previously created, or implied by the presence of a file in "font_path".
If the font cannot be loaded, this logs a warning and returns the 'default' font rather than throwing an exception or returning undef. If there is no font named 'default', it dies instead.
$font= $res->load_font( $name, %config );
Load a font by name. By default, a font file of the same name is loaded as a TextureFont and rendered at 24px. If multiple named fonts reference the same file (including hardlink checks), it will only be mapped into memory once.
Any configuration options specified here are combined with any defaults specified in "font_config".
If the font can't be loaded, this throws an exception. If the named font has already been loaded, this will return the existing font, even if the options have changed.
Call this method to remove all current references to any resource. If this was the last reference to those resources, it will also garbage collect any OpenGL resources that had been allocated. The next access to any font or texture will re-load the resource from disk.
Michael Conrad <>
This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Michael Conrad.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.