OpenGL::Sandbox::V1::FTGLFont - Wrapper object for FTGL Fonts


version 0.01_1


FTGL is a C++ library that uses the FreeType library to read font glyphs and encodes them as OpenGL textures or vertex geometry. It then handles all the details of rendering a string of text with correct font spacing.

The library has a spectacularly designed API, and supports unicode, and other great things. Unfortunately, it is very tied to the OpenGL 1.x API, which is deprecated. If you are working on something simple and the 1.x API works for you, then this will solve your font needs and you can go merrily on your way.

This module is based on Inline::CPP, so it requires a C++ compiler in order to be installed.



The C++ font class to use. FTGL implements fonts in several different ways, such as texture-of-glyphs, texture-of-string, 3D model, 2D model, etc. These are represented by various C++ classes. The module Inline::CPP cannot currently parse the external class definitions of FTGL, so each FTGL class must be wrapped by code in the C++ portion of this module.

Currently must be one of 'FTTextureFont', 'FTExtrudeFont', 'FTPolygonFont', 'FTPixmapFont', 'FTOutlineFont', 'FTBufferFont', or 'FTBitmapFont'.


A scalar-ref to the bytes of a TrueType font, preferably via a "OpenGL::Sandbox::MMap" object.


The name this data was loaded from, for reference purposes only.


When using textured fonts, this is roughly the pixel/texel size of the glyphs that will be rendered into the texture. When using geometric fonts (i.e. polygon-based) this will be the OpenGL coordinate space scale of the font.


The distance from baseline to top of typical glyph, in same units as face_size.


The distance below the baseline that "hanging" portions of glyphs might reach, in same units as face_size.


Line spacing for the font, in same units as face_size.



my $length= $font->advance("String of glyphs");

Calculate the width of a sting of text, in same units as face_size.


$font->render($text, %opts);

Render some text using this font. By default, it renders with the baseline starting at the OpenGL origin. To save some awkward math, the following options are supported:

x, y

Use this reference coordinate instead of the OpenGL origin.


A number between 0 (left align) and 1 (right align). i.e. to center the text use 0.5.


0 puts the baseline at the y coordinate. 1 puts the ascender-line at the y coordinate. -1 puts the descender-line at the y coordinate. Numbers inbetween yield some fraction of those distances.

In other words,

 1   = 'top'
 0.5 = 'center'
 0   = 'baseline'
-1   = 'bottom'

Ignore the spacing of the font face and always use this value to advance between glyphs. This number is in the same units as font_face. This value is affected by scale (below).


Scale the x and y axis by this number before rendering. (but restores the OpenGL matrix before returning). This overrides a setting of height.

h, height

Scale the y axis so that the "ascender" equals this value. Also scale the x axis to match unless scale or height were specified, in which case this can change the aspect ratio of the text.

w, width

Scale x axis so that the length of the text is width. Also scale the y axis to match unless scale or height were specified, in which case this can change the aspect ratio of the text.

Note: If this is a TextureFont, it will change the current bound texture.


Michael Conrad <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Michael Conrad.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.