Changes for version 0.9 - 2017-06-08
- changed: conform to new Catmandu::Store::Datahub API
- added: Arthub Exporter module
- changed: disabled Rackspace and Webfile support. Only local file supported. PIDs should be part of the registration system.
- renamed: MSK importer to EIZ (ErfgoedInzicht) importer
- changed: break if no CSV file was found
- added: missing dependencies
- updated: CHANGES file
- added: missing required modules
modules for the VKC Arthub
Export items to a Datahub instance
Import data from the ErfgoedInzicht OAI-PMH endpoint
Import data from the TMS instance of the KMSKA
Import data from the CollectiveAccess instance of the VKC
Insert PIDS from an external source
in lib/Datahub/Factory/Importer/TMS/
in lib/Datahub/Factory/Module/PID/
in lib/Datahub/Factory/Module/PID/
in lib/Datahub/Factory/Module/PID/