MIME::Charset - Charset Informations for MIME


Getting charset informations:

use MIME::Charset qw(:info);

$benc = body_encoding("iso-8859-2"); # "Q"
$cset = canonical_charset("ANSI X3.4-1968"); # "US-ASCII"
$henc = header_encoding("utf-8"); # "S"
$cset = output_charset("shift_jis"); # "ISO-2022-JP"

Translating text data:

use MIME::Charset qw(:trans);

($text, $charset, $encoding) =
# ...returns (<converted>, "ISO-2022-JP", "B");

($text, $charset, $encoding) =
        "Collectioneur path\xe9tiquement ".
        "\xe9clectique de d\xe9chets",
# ...returns (<original>, "ISO-8859-1", "QUOTED-PRINTABLE");

$len = encoded_header_len(
    "Perl\xe8\xa8\x80\xe8\xaa\x9e", "b", "utf-8"); # 28

Manipulating module defaults:

use MIME::Charset;

MIME::Charset::alias("csEUCKR", "euc-kr");


MIME::Charset provides informations about character sets used for MIME messages on Internet.


The charset is ``character set'' used in MIME to refer to a method of converting a sequence of octets into a sequence of characters. It includes both concepts of ``coded character set'' (CCS) and ``character encoding scheme'' (CES) of ISO/IEC.

The encoding is that used in MIME to refer to a method of representing a body part or a header body as sequence(s) of printable US-ASCII characters.


body_encoding CHARSET

Get recommended transfer-encoding of CHARSET for message body.

Returned value will be one of "B" (BASE64), "Q" (QUOTED-PRINTABLE) or undef (might not be transfer-encoded; either 7BIT or 8BIT). This may not be same as encoding for message header.

canonical_charset CHARSET

Get canonical name for charset CHARSET.

header_encoding CHARSET

Get recommended encoding scheme of CHARSET for message header.

Returned value will be one of "B", "Q", "S" (shorter one of either) or undef (might not be encoded). This may not be same as encoding for message body.

output_charset CHARSET

Get a charset which is compatible with given CHARSET and is recommended to be used for MIME messages on Internet (if it is known by this module).


body_encode STRING, CHARSET [, OPTS]

Get converted (if needed) data of STRING and recommended transfer-encoding of that data for message body. CHARSET is the charset by which STRING is encoded.

OPTS may accept following key-value pairs:

Replacement => REPLACEMENT

Specifies error handling scheme. See "ERROR HANDLING".

Detect7bit => YESNO

Try auto-detecting 7-bit charset when CHARSET is not given. Default is "YES".

3-item list of (converted string, charset for output, transfer-encoding) will be returned. Transfer-encoding will be either "BASE64", "QUOTED-PRINTABLE", "7BIT" or "8BIT". If charset for output could not be determined and converted string contains non-ASCII byte(s), charset for output will be undef and transfer-encoding will be "BASE64". Charset for output will be "US-ASCII" if and only if string does not contain any non-ASCII bytes.

encoded_header_len STRING, ENCODING, CHARSET

Get length of encoded STRING for message header (without folding).

ENCODING may be one of "B", "Q" or "S" (shorter one of either "B" or "Q").

header_encode STRING, CHARSET [, OPTS]

Get converted (if needed) data of STRING and recommended encoding scheme of that data for message headers. CHARSET is the charset by which STRING is encoded.

OPTS may accept following key-value pairs:

Replacement => REPLACEMENT

Specifies error handling scheme. See "ERROR HANDLING".

Detect7bit => YESNO

Try auto-detecting 7-bit charset when CHARSET is not given. Default is "YES".

3-item list of (converted string, charset for output, encoding scheme) will be returned. Encoding scheme will be either "B", "Q" or undef (might not be encoded). If charset for output could not be determined and converted string contains non-ASCII byte(s), charset for output will be "8BIT" (this is not charset name but a special value to represent unencodable data) and encoding scheme will be undef (should not be encoded). Charset for output will be "US-ASCII" if and only if string does not contain any non-ASCII bytes.



Get/set charset alias for canonical names determined by canonical_charset.

If CHARSET is given and isn't false, ALIAS will be assigned as an alias of CHARSET. Otherwise, alias won't be changed. In both cases, current charset name that ALIAS is assigned will be returned.

default [CHARSET]

Get/set default charset.

Default charset is used by this module when charset context is unknown. Modules using this module are recommended to use this charset when charset context is unknown or implicit default is expected. By default, it is "US-ASCII".

If CHARSET is given and isn't false, it will be set to default charset. Otherwise, default charset won't be changed. In both cases, current default charset will be returned.

NOTE: Default charset should not be changed.

fallback [CHARSET]

Get/set fallback charset.

Fallback charset is used by this module when conversion by given charset is failed and "FALLBACK" error handling scheme is specified. Modules using this module may use this charset as last resort of charset for conversion. By default, it is "UTF-8".

If CHARSET is given and isn't false, it will be set to fallback charset. If CHARSET is "NONE", fallback charset will be undefined. Otherwise, fallback charset won't be changed. In any cases, current fallback charset will be returned.

NOTE: It is useful that "US-ASCII" is specified as fallback charset, since result of conversion will be readable without charset informations.

Get/set charset profiles.

If optional arguments are given and any of them are not false, profiles for CHARSET will be set by those arguments. Otherwise, profiles won't be changed. In both cases, current profiles for CHARSET will be returned as 3-item list of (HEADERENC, BODYENC, ENCCHARSET).

HEADERENC is recommended encoding scheme for message header. It may be one of "B", "Q", "S" (shorter one of either) or undef (might not be encoded).

BODYENC is recommended transfer-encoding for message body. It may be one of "B", "Q" or undef (might not be transfer-encoded).

ENCCHARSET is a charset which is compatible with given CHARSET and is recommended to be used for MIME messages on Internet. If conversion is not needed (or this module doesn't know appropriate charset), ENCCHARSET is undef.

NOTE: This function in the future releases can accept more optional arguments (for example, properties to handle character widths, line folding behavior, ...). So format of returned value may probably be changed. Use header_encoding, body_encoding or output_charset to get particular profile.


"body_encode" and "header_encode" accept following Replacement options:


Put a substitution character in place of a malformed character. For UCM-based encodings, <subchar> will be used.


Try "DEFAULT" scheme using fallback charset (see fallback). When fallback charset is undefined and conversion causes error, code will die on error with an error message.


Code will die on error immediately with an error message. Therefore, you should trap the fatal error with eval{} unless you really want to let it die on error. Synonym is "STRICT".


Use "FB_PERLQQ" in Encode, "FB_HTMLCREF" in Encode or "FB_XMLCREF" in Encode scheme defined by Encode module.

If error handling scheme is not specified or unknown scheme is specified, "DEFAULT" will be assumed.


Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME).


Copyright (C) 2006 Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji <>. All rights reserved.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:

a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version,


b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this module.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this module, in the file ARTISTIC. If not, I'll be glad to provide one.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

6 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 178:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 180:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 238:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 240:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 665:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 670:

'=item' outside of any '=over'