CGI::Buffer - Verify and Optimise CGI Output


Version 0.63


CGI::Buffer verifies the HTML that you produce by passing it through HTML::Lint.

CGI::Buffer optimises CGI programs by compressing output to speed up the transmission and by nearly seamlessly making use of client and server caches.

To make use of client caches, that is to say to reduce needless calls to your server asking for the same data, all you need to do is to include the package, and it does the rest.

use CGI::Buffer;
# ...

To also make use of server caches, that is to say to save regenerating output when different clients ask you for the same data, you will need to create a cache. But that's simple:

    use CGI::Buffer;
    use CHI;

    # Put this at the top before you output anything
	cache => CHI->new(driver => 'File')
    if(CGI::Buffer::is_cached()) {
	# Nothing has changed - use the version in the cache

    # ...



Set various options and override default values.

    # Put this toward the top of your program before you do anything
    # By default, generate_tag and compress_content are both ON and
    # optimise_content and lint_content are OFF.  Set optimise_content to 2 to
    # do aggressive JavaScript optimisations which may fail.
    use CGI::Buffer;
	generate_etag => 1,	# make good use of client's cache
	generate_last_modified => 1,	# more use of client's cache
	compress_content => 1,	# if gzip the output
	optimise_content => 0,	# optimise your program's HTML, CSS and JavaScript
	cache => CHI->new(driver => 'File'),	# cache requests
	cache_key => 'string',		# key for the cache
	logger => $logger,
	lint->content => 0,	# Pass through HTML::Lint

If no cache_key is given, one will be generated which may not be unique. The cache_key should be a unique value dependent upon the values set by the browser.

The cache object will be an object that understands get(), set(), remove() and created_at() messages, such as an CHI object.

Logger will be an object that understands debug() such as an Log::Log4perl object.

To generate a last_modified header, you must give a cache object.

Init allows a reference of the options to be passed. So both of these work: use CGI::Buffer; #... CGI::Buffer::init(generate_etag => 1); CGI::Buffer::init({ generate_etag => 1 });

Generally speaking, passing by reference is better since it copies less on to the stack.

Alternatively you can give the options when loading the package: use CGI::Buffer { optimise_content => 1 };


Synonym for init, kept for historical reasons.


Returns true if the output is cached. If it is then it means that all of the expensive routines in the CGI script can be by-passed because we already have the result stored in the cache.

    # Put this toward the top of your program before you do anything

    # Example key generation - use whatever you want as something
    # unique for this call, so that subsequent calls with the same
    # values match something in the cache
    use CGI::Info;
    use CGI::Lingua;

    my $i = CGI::Info->new();
    my $l = CGI::Lingua->new(supported => ['en']);

    # To use server side caching you must give the cache argument, however
    # the cache_key argument is optional - if you don't give one then one will
    # be generated for you
	cache => CHI->new(driver => 'File'),
	cache_key => $i->domain_name() . '/' . $i->script_name() . '/' . $i->as_string() . '/' . $l->language()
    if(CGI::Buffer::is_cached()) {
	# Output will be retrieved from the cache and sent automatically
    # Not in the cache, so now do our expensive computing to generate the
    # results
    print "Content-type: text/html\n";
    # ...


Nigel Horne, <njh at>


When using Template, ensure that you don't use it to output to STDOUT, instead you will need to capture into a variable and print that. For example:

my $output;
$template->process($input, $vars, \$output) || ($output = $template->error());
print $output;

Can produce buggy JavaScript if you use the <!-- HIDING technique. This is a bug in <JavaScript::Packer>, not CGI::Buffer. See

Mod_deflate can confuse this when compressing output. Ensure that deflation is off for .pl files:

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png|pl)$ no-gzip dont-vary

If you request compressed output then uncompressed output (or vice versa) on input that produces the same output, the status will be 304. The letter of the spec says that's wrong, so I'm noting it here, but in practice you should not see this happen or have any difficulties because of it.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-cgi-buffer at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


HTML::Packer, HTML::Lint


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc CGI::Buffer

You can also look for information at:


The inspiration and code for some if this is cgi_buffer by Mark Nottingham:


The licence for cgi_buffer is:

"(c) 2000 Copyright Mark Nottingham <>

This software may be freely distributed, modified and used,
provided that this copyright notice remain intact.

This software is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind."

The reset of the program is Copyright 2011-2012 Nigel Horne, and is released under the following licence: GPL