HTML::D3 - A simple Perl module for generating charts using D3.js.


Version 0.04


use HTML::D3;

my $chart = HTML::D3->new(
    width  => 1024,
    height => 768,
    title  => 'Sample Bar Chart'

my $data = [
    ['Category 1', 10],
    ['Category 2', 20],
    ['Category 3', 30]

my $html = $chart->render_bar_chart($data);
print $html;

$chart = HTML::D3->new(title => 'Sales Data');

my $data = [
    ['Product A', 100],
    ['Product B', 150],
    ['Product C', 200]

$html = $chart->render_line_chart($data);
print $html;


HTML::D3 is a Perl module that provides functionality to create simple charts using D3.js. The module generates HTML and JavaScript code to render the chart in a web browser.



my $chart = HTML::D3->new(%args);

Creates a new HTML::D3 object. Accepts the following optional arguments:

  • width - The width of the chart (default: 800).

  • height - The height of the chart (default: 600).

  • title - The title of the chart (default: 'Chart').


my $html = $chart->render_bar_chart($data);

Generates HTML and JavaScript code to render a bar chart. Accepts the following arguments:

  • $data - An array reference containing data points. Each data point should be an array reference with two elements: the label (string) and the value (numeric).

Returns a string containing the HTML and JavaScript code for the chart.


my $html = $chart->render_line_chart($data);

Generates HTML and JavaScript code to render a line chart. Accepts the following arguments:

  • $data - An array reference containing data points. Each data point should be an array reference with two elements: the label (string) and the value (numeric).

Returns a string containing the HTML and JavaScript code for the chart.


$html = $chart->render_line_chart_with_tooltips($data);

Generates HTML and JavaScript code to render a line chart with mouseover tooltips. Accepts the following arguments:

  • $data - An array reference containing data points. Each data point should be an array reference with two elements: the label (string) and the value (numeric).

Returns a string containing the HTML and JavaScript code for the chart.


$html = $chart->render_multi_series_line_chart_with_tooltips($data);

Generates HTML and JavaScript code to render a chart of many lines with mouseover tooltips.

Accepts the following arguments:

  • $data - An reference to an array of hashes containing data points. Each data point should be an array reference with two elements: the label (string) and the value (numeric).

Returns a string containing the HTML and JavaScript code for the chart.


It would help to have the render routine to return the head and body components separately.


Nigel Horne <>


Copyright 2025 Nigel Horne.

This program is released under the following licence: GPL2