Changes for version 0.9207 - 2014-11-06
- greater_than, less_than fix conditions
- fix bug in Paged
- Exporter::JSON pod
- sort_field fix handles undef values
LibreCat command line tools
a data toolkit
Base class for all Catmandu modules need to implement add
Convert an arrayref to an Iterable object
A Catmandu::Store compartment to persist data
A base class for modules that need an array buffer
The App::Cmd application class for the catmandu command line script
A base class for extending the Catmandu command line
export the Catmandu config
convert objects
count the number of objects in a store
store, index, search, import, export or convert objects
delete objects from a store
export objects from a store
import objects into a store
move objects to another store
A Base class for modules who need to count things
A catmandu configuration file loader
Catmandu error hierarchy
Namespace for packages that can export
a CSV exporter
a JSON exporter
a expoter that doesn't export anything
a RIS exporter
a YAML exporter
a Catmandu class used for data crunching
Base class for all code emitting Catmandu fixes
a wrapper for Catmandu::Fix-es
a binder that calculates the execution time of Fix functions
a binder to add key/value pairs to an internal hashmap
a binder that doesn't influence computation
a binder that computes Fix-es for every element in a list
a binder that skips fixes if one returns undef or dies
Role for all Catmandu::Fix conditionals
Base class to ease the construction of all match conditionals
Base class to ease the construction of any match conditionals
only execute fixes if all path values match the given regex
only execute fixes if any path value matches the given regex
only execute fixes if the path exists
Excute fixes when a field is greater than a value
Excute fixes when a field is less than a value
helper class for creating Fix-es with (optional) parameters
the parser of the Catmandu::Fix language
add or change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index
add matching values to a store as a side effect
add a suffix to the value of a field
creates an array out of a hash
capitalize the value of a key
create a clone of the data object
run arbitrary code as fix
convert nested data into a flat hash using the TT2 dot convention
copy the value of one field to a new field
replace the value of an array or hash field with it's count
lowercase the value of a field
convert a flat hash into nested data using the TT2 dot convention
expand a date field into year, month and date
replace a json field with the parsed value
creates a hash out of an array
join the ARRAY values of a field into a string
Log::Any logger as fix
change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index by looking up it's value in a dictionary
change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index by looking up it's value in a store
move a field to another place in the data structure
does nothing (for testing)
add a prefix to the value of a field
remove a record form the data
remove a field form the data
search and replace using regex expressions
delete everything from a field except
add or change the value of a HASH key or ARRAY index
sort the values of an array
split a string value in a field into an ARRAY
extract a substring out of the value of a field
replace the value of an array field with the sum of it's elements
convert the value of a field to json
trim leading and ending junk from the value of a field
uppercase the value of a field
a Catmandu role to apply fixes
Iterable object that wraps Catmandu::Store search hits
Namespace for packages that can import
Package that imports CSV data
Package that imports JSON data
Mock importer used for testing purposes
list installed perl modules in a given namespace
Package that imports YAML data
Base class for all iterable Catmandu classes
Base class for all Catmandu iterators
A role for classes that need logging capabilities
Adds page calculation to a package
A role for claases that need plugin capabilities
Automatically add datestamps to Catmandu::Store records
Automatically adds versioning to Catmandu::Store records
Package boilerplate
Base class for all searchable Catmandu classes
Base class for all Catmandu Serializers
A (de)serializer from and to json
Namespace for packages that can make data persistent
An in-memory Catmandu::Store
A collection of utility functions
Namespace for packages that can validate records in Catmandu.
Simple Validator for Catmandu
in lib/Catmandu/
in lib/Catmandu/
in lib/Catmandu/
in lib/Catmandu/
in lib/Catmandu/
in lib/Catmandu/
in lib/Catmandu/Store/