Catmandu::Store - Namespace for packages that can make data persistent
# From the command line
$ catmandu import JSON into MongoDB --database_name 'bibliography' < data.json
$ catmandu export MongoDB --database_name 'bibliography' to YAML
$ catmandu export MongoDB --database_name 'bibliography' --query '{"PublicationYear": "1937"}'
$ catmandu count MongoDB --database_name 'bibliography' --query '{"PublicationYear": "1937"}'
# From Perl
use Catmandu;
my $store = Catmandu->store('MongoDB',database_name => 'bibliography');
my $obj1 = $store->bag->add({ name => 'Patrick' });
printf "obj1 stored as %s\n" , $obj1->{_id};
# Force an id in the store
my $obj2 = $store->bag->add({ _id => 'test123' , name => 'Nicolas' });
my $obj3 = $store->bag->get('test123');
# Some stores can be searched
my $hits = $store->bag->search(query => 'name:Patrick');
A Catmandu::Store is a stub for Perl packages that can store data into databases or search engines. The database as a whole is called a 'store'. Databases also have compartments (e.g. tables) called Catmandu::Bag-s. Some stores can be searched using Catmandu::Searchable methods.
- default_bag
The name of the bag to use if no explicit bag is given. Default is 'data'.
my $store = Catmandu::Store::MyDB->new(default_bag => 'stuff'); # this will return the stuff bag my $bag = $store->bag;
- bags
Specify configuration for individual bags.
my $store = Catmandu::Store::Hash->new( bags => {stuff => {plugins => ['Datestamps']}}); # this bag will use the L<Catmandu::Plugin::Datestamps> role $store->bag('stuff') # this bag won't $store->bag('otherbag')
- bag_class
An optional custom class to use for bags. Default is
in the store's namespace. This class should consume the Catmandu::Bag role.# this will use the Catmandu::Store::MyDB::Bag class for bags Catmandu::Store::MyDB->new() # this will use MyBag Catmandu::Store::MyDB->new(bag_class => 'MyBag')
- key_prefix
Use a custom prefix to mark the reserved or special keys that the store uses. By default an underscore gets prependend. The only special key in a normal store is '_id'. Catmandu::Plugin::Versioning will also use '_version'. Other plugins or stores may add their own special keys.
# this store will use the my_id key to hold id's Catmandu::Store::MyDB->new(key_prefix => 'my_')
Create or retieve a bag with name $name
. Returns a Catmandu::Bag.
Helper method that applies key_prefix
to the $key
Return the current logger. Can be used when creating your own Stores.
package Catmandu::Store::Hash;
sub generator {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->log->debug("generating record");
See also: Catmandu for activating the logger in your main code.