Catmandu::Store::DBI - A Catmandu::Store plugin for DBI based interfaces


Version 0.0424


use Catmandu::Store::DBI;

my $store = Catmandu::Store::DBI->new(
    data_source => 'DBI:mysql:database=test', # prefix "DBI:" optional
    username => '', # optional
    password => '', # optional

my $obj1 = $store->bag->add({ name => 'Patrick' });

printf "obj1 stored as %s\n" , $obj1->{_id};

# Force an id in the store
my $obj2 = $store->bag->add({ _id => 'test123' , name => 'Nicolas' });

my $obj3 = $store->bag->get('test123');



# All bags are iterators
$store->bag->each(sub { ... });
$store->bag->take(10)->each(sub { ... });

The catmandu command line client can be used like this:

catmandu import JSON to DBI --data_source SQLite:mydb.sqlite < data.json


A Catmandu::Store::DBI is a Perl package that can store data into DBI backed databases. The database as a whole is called a 'store' (Catmandu::Store. Databases also have compartments (e.g. tables) called 'bags' (Catmandu::Bag).


The default behavior is to map the _id of the record to the id column and serialize all other data in the data column. This behavior can be changed with mapping option:

my $store = Catmandu::Store::DBI->new(
    data_source => 'DBI:mysql:database=test',
    bags => {
        # books table
        books => {
            mapping => {
                # these keys will be directly mapped to columns
                # all other keys will be serialized in the data column
                title => {type => 'string', required => 1, column => 'book_title'},
                isbn => {type => 'string', unique => 1},
                authors => {type => 'string', array => 1}

Column types


Column options


Name of the table column if it differs from the key in your data.


Boolean option, default is 0. Note that this options is only supported for PostgreSQL.


Boolean option, default is 0.


Boolean option, default is 0.


new(data_source => $data_source)

Create a new Catmandu::Store::DBI store using a DBI $data_source. The prefix "DBI:" is added automatically if needed.

Extra options for method new:


timeout for a inactive database handle.
when timeout is reached, Catmandu checks if the connection is still alive (by use of ping),
or it recreates the connection.

By default set to undef.


when timeout is reached, Catmandu does not check the connection, but simply reconnects.

By default set to '0'

It's good practice to set the timeout high enough. When using transactions, one should avoid this situation:

    $bag->add({ _id => "1" });
    sleep $timeout;
    $bag->add({ _id => "2" });

The following warning appears:

commit ineffective with AutoCommit enabled at lib//Catmandu/Store/ line 73.
DBD::SQLite::db commit failed: attempt to commit on inactive database handle

This has the following reasons:

1.  first record added
2.  timeout is reached, the connection is recreated
3.  the option AutoCommit is set. So the database handle commits the current transaction. The first record is committed.
4.  this new connection handle is used now. We're still in the method "transaction", but there is no longer a real transaction at database level.
5.  second record is added (committed)
6.  commit is issued. But this unnecessary, so the database handle throws a warning.


Create or retieve a bag with name $name. Returns a Catmandu::Bag.


Catmandu::Bag, Catmandu::Searchable, DBI