Catmandu::Importer::CSV - Package that imports CSV data
use Catmandu::Importer::CSV;
my $importer = Catmandu::Importer::CSV->new(file => "/foo/bar.csv");
my $n = $importer->each(sub {
my $hashref = $_[0];
# ...
new(file => $filename, fh = $fh, fields => \@fields, quote_char => "\"", sep_char => ",", fix => [...])
Create a new CSV importer for $filename. Use STDIN when no filename is given. The object fields are read from the CSV header line or given via the 'fields' parameter. Strings in CSV are quoted by 'quote_char' and fields are separated by 'sep_char'.
The constructor inherits the fix parameter from Catmandu::Fixable. When given, then ech fix or fix script will be applied to imported items.
Every Catmandu::Importer is a Catmandu::Iterable all its methods are inherited. The Catmandu::Importer::CSV methods are not idempotent: CSV streams can only be read once.