Mojar::Mysql::Util - MySQL utility functions


use Mojar::Mysql::Util 'find_monotonic_first';

my $key_val = find_monotonic_first(
  $dbh, 'Orders', 'CustomerOrder', 'iOrderId', q{'2010-01-01' <= dPlaced}




$key_val = find_monotonic_first($dbh, $schema, $table, $field, $condition)

Finds the first value for the specified field for which the record satisfies the condition. The condition must be monotonic increasing with respect to the field in question. This means that as you go through records in order of increasing values of the field, once the condition is satisfied, it is also satisfied for all later records. The condition is any string of SQL that is valid within the parentheses of

SELECT ... WHERE (...);

The most common application for this is when the field is the primary key of the table and the condition focuses on a field that is not indexed. For example, finding the first order placed within the past 28 days; the order id is the primary key and the datetime is not indexed. Another scenario is having a batch job attribute analytics events to orders; to find where to resume, it needs to find the first record having NULL for its events field. Non-scientific trials suggest on tables of 20+ million records, using find_monotonic_first is around 50 times faster than letting MySQL do a linear search.

Bear in mind that results are unreliable if the condition is non-monotonic. A special case is when the final record is found not to satisfy the condition; the algorithm concludes that the condition is insatiable and bails out (with undef). For tables with fewer than 2 million records, there is probably little point to using this. It makes most sense with InnoDB or XtraDB tables when you want to find the first primary key value that satisfies a condition that can't be found using indices. In this case the algorithm is searching the clustered (primary) index in a way that has maximum immunity to record locking. So it's not just fast, it avoids contention with concurrent threads.


Mojar::Util, Mojo::Util.