Nagios::Generator::TestConfig - Perl extension for generating test nagios configurations


use Nagios::Generator::TestConfig;
my $ngt = Nagios::Generator::TestConfig->new( 'output_dir' => '/tmp/test_nagios' );


This modul generates test configurations for nagios. This can be useful if you want for doing load tests or testing nagios addons and plugins.


new ( [ARGS] )

Creates an Nagios::Generator-TestConfig object. new takes at least the output_dir. Arguments are in key-value pairs.

verbose                     verbose mode
output_dir                  export directory
overwrite_dir               overwrite contents of an existing directory. Default: false
hostcount                   amount of hosts of export, Default 10
services_per_host           amount of services per host, Default 10
host_settings               key/value settings for use in the define host
service_settings            key/value settings for use in the define service
nagios_cfg                  overwrite/add settings from the nagios.cfg
hostfailrate                chance of a host to fail, Default 2%
servicefailrate             chance of a service to fail, Default 5%
host_types                  key/value settings for percentage of hosttypes, possible keys are up,down,flap,random
service_types               key/value settings for percentage of servicetypes, possible keys are ok,warning,critical,unknown,flap,random



generates and writes the configuration
Returns true on success or undef on errors.


Create a sample config with manually overriden host/service settings:

use Nagios::Generator::TestConfig;
my $ngt = Nagios::Generator::TestConfig->new(
                    'output_dir'                => '/tmp/nagios-test-conf',
                    'verbose'                   => 1,
                    'overwrite_dir'             => 1,
                    'hostcount'                 => 50,
                    'services_per_host'         => 20,
                    'nagios_cfg'                => {
                            'nagios_user'   => 'nagios',
                            'nagios_group'  => 'nagios',
                    'hostfailrate'              => 2, # percentage (only for the random ones)
                    'servicefailrate'           => 5, # percentage (only for the random ones)
                    'host_settings'             => {
                            'normal_check_interval' => 10,
                            'retry_check_interval'  => 1,
                    'service_settings'          => {
                            'normal_check_interval' => 10,
                            'retry_check_interval'  => 2,
                    'host_types'                => {
                                    'down'         => 5, # percentage
                                    'up'           => 50,
                                    'flap'         => 5,
                                    'pending'      => 5,
                                    'random'       => 35,
                    'service_types'             => {
                                    'ok'           => 50, # percentage
                                    'warning'      => 5,
                                    'unknown'      => 5,
                                    'critical'     => 5,
                                    'pending'      => 5,
                                    'flap'         => 5,
                                    'random'       => 25,


Sven Nierlein, <>


Copyright (C) 2009 by Sven Nierlein

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.