WebService::Audioscrobbler::Artist - An object-oriented interface to the Audioscrobbler WebService API


This module implements an object oriented abstraction of an artist within the Audioscrobbler database.

use WebService::Audioscrobbler;

my $ws = WebService::Audioscrobbler->new;

# get an object for artist named 'foo'
my $artist  = $ws->artist('foo');

# fetch artists similar to 'foo'
my @similar = $artist->similar_artists;

print "Artists similar to: " . $artist->name . "\n";

# prints each one of their names
for my $similar (@similar) {
    print $similar->name . "\n";

# retrieves tracks from 'foo'
my @tracks = $artist->tracks;

# retrieves tags associated with 'foo'
my @tags = #artist->tags;

This module inherits from WebService::Audioscrobbler::Base.



The name of a given artist as provided when constructing the object.


MusicBrainz ID as provided by the Audioscrobbler database.


URI object pointing to the location of the artist's picture, if available.


Flag indicating whether the artist has streamable content available.


new($artist_name, $data_fetcher)


Creates a new object using either the given $artist_name or the \%fields hashref. The data fetcher object is a mandatory parameter and must be provided either as the second parameter or inside the \%fields hashref.



Retrieves similar artists from the Audioscrobbler database. $filter can be used to limit artist with a low similarity index (ie. artists which have a similarity index lower than $filter won't be returned).

Returns either a list of artists or a reference to an array of artists when called in list context or scalar context, respectively. The artists are returned as WebService::Audioscrobbler::SimilarArtist objects by default.


Retrieves the artist's top tracks as available on Audioscrobbler's database.

Returns either a list of tracks or a reference to an array of tracks when called in list context or scalar context, respectively. The tracks are returned as WebService::Audioscrobbler::Track objects by default.


Retrieves the artist's top tags as available on Audioscrobbler's database.

Returns either a list of tags or a reference to an array of tags when called in list context or scalar context, respectively. The tags are returned as WebService::Audioscrobbler::Tag objects by default.


Loads artist fields from the hashref \%data.


Returns the URL from which other URLs used for fetching artist info will be derived from.


Nilson Santos Figueiredo Júnior, <nilsonsfj at>


Copyright 2006 Nilson Santos Figueiredo Júnior, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 223:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Júnior,'. Assuming CP1252