Data::HexDump::Range::Gather - Handles gathering of binary data for Data::HexDump::Range
Subroutines prefixed with [P] are not part of the public API and shall not be used directly.
[P] _gather($range_description, $data, $offset, $size)
Creates an internal data structure from the data to dump.
$hdr->_gather($container, $range_description, $data, $size)
Arguments - See gather
$container - an array reference or undef - where the gathered data
$range_description - See gather
$data - See gather
$offset - See gather
$size - See gather
Returns -
$container - the gathered data
$used_data - integer - the location in the data where the dumping ended
Exceptions dies if passed invalid parameters
[P] unpack_range_size($self, $range_name, $size, $used_data)
Verifies the size field from a range descritpion and generates unpack format
Arguments -
Returns - A list
$is_comment - Boolean -
$is_bitfield - Boolean -
$range_size - Integer
$unpack_format - A String - formated according to pack.
[P] create_ranges($range_description)
Transforms the user supplied ranges into an internal format
Arguments -
$range_description - See gather
Returns - Nothing
Exceptions - Croaks with an error messge if the input data is invalid
[P] create_ranges_from_string($range_description)
Transforms the user supplied ranges into an internal format
Arguments -
$range_description - A string - See gather
Returns - Nothing
Exceptions - Croaks with an error messge if the input data is invalid
[P] create_ranges_from_array_ref($range_description)
transforms the user supplied ranges into an internal format
Arguments -
$range_description - An array reference - See gather
Returns - Nothing
Exceptions - Croaks with an error messge if the input data is invalid
[P] flatten($range_description)
transforms the user supplied ranges into an internal format
Arguments -
$range_description - See gather
Returns - Nothing
Exceptions - Croaks with an error messge if the input data is invalid
None so far.
Nadim ibn hamouda el Khemir
Copyright 2010 Nadim Khemir.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or
the Artistic License version 2.0.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Data::HexDump::Range
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1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 250:
=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back I<Exceptions> - Croaks with an error messge if the input data is invalid